I swear!

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I go home to find Shirley  calmly on the couch reading a book.
I was confused for a second. How could she be so calm?

"You where there where you?" I ask


"In that small room it was flooding and Max was there too." I say

"I know Max. He talked to me today. But  I dont know what room you are talking about." She says

I look at her stumped.

"Are you alright?" She asks me

"Yes im fine." I reply

"I think im going to bed."

"Ok goodnight Jess." She says

The next morning I wake up  to find a note taped to my bedroom door.

"Gone out to see Max - Shirley"
I smile slightly as I go and get ready.
I taught a walk around the beach would be nice.
The beach was quiet with few people on it.
I look across the water only to see a woman with black hair look at me. She stares at me for about half a minute and dives back in. It was a mermaid. I frown slightly. How many mermaids  are attempting to come on land now? Dont they know how dangerous it is? I run into the water  and dive in. I looked around for the mermaid to warn her and tell her the dangers of some humans.

  I didnt find the mermaid. Maybe she had the commen sense to leave. I go to a corner and dry myself up, coming back on 2 feet. I walk across the beach. A woman stares at me weirdly with her eyes wide open so I stare weirdly back at her. I curse under my breath. I turn back only to see the tail again

"Forget it.. im not gonna bother warning them." I mumble under my breath

The woman starts taking pictures of all the mermaids. I make a small motion and the camera starts to freeze slowly.
The woman looks at me in suspicion but I knew and she knew she couldnt do anything about it.

I go to sit down on a big rock close to the water when I see the same mermaid again. I was determined to see who it was this time.
I dive in and swim after her as fast as I could.
I catch up with her and she stops. She scans me slowly. She doesnt say anything.

"H-hello?" I say to her, slightly scared that she could be a spy come to try and kill me.
She backs away slowly then dashes off.
Suddenly my eyes widen as I realise who that was. I had to go tell Shirley.
I drag myself back to land and dry myself up.
I was about to leave when I spot a woman with a toddler. Both of them where blonde.

"Calm down,Lucile" I herd the woman say.

"Mummy! Mummy!" The  toddler says

The woman smiles
The toddler is concentrated on playing with the sand.
I take a glance at the toddler.
She had blonde hair and blue eyes.
She seemed to look at me for a minute but then contonues playing.
I recognize the toddler and walk to them

"Hey its you! Mrs Valence!" I say to them

Mrs Valence smiles at me.

"Jess!" She says

She looks at the toddler.

"Say hi, Lucile" she tells her

Shyly, Lucile hides behind her mother.
I wave to her and Lucile grins at me waving back.

"H-H" She clearly tries to speak
"Hi" Mrs Valence says to Lucile.
"Hoay?" Lucile says
"Almost.. Good try" Mrs Valence encourages her.
"Hey.. shes quite a fast learner." I say

"Yeah she's been like that since birth. Sometimes I get confused because its like she can read my mind, haha" she says

Lucile pokes me with ger finger

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