Who's in control?

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You little Bastard. Lukas tells Astaroth.

Shit,Lukas. Stop the timebreaks now it's gonna cause some major trouble. Astaroth says.

"Just like you did, you as" Lukas says.

I sigh softly. I wondered if Lukas was actually sane. Fighting with a high demon. Now that I think about it.. Lukas wasnt that sane.

Lukas growls.

"Lukas,fuck you" Astaroth tells Lukas.
"No,fuck you!" Lukas responds immediatly to Astaroth.

I was scared. My heart was pounding hard in my chest.

"Thanks to you, I'm a fucking rouge." Lukas
Astaroth smirks.

One hit.. and id be dead... thats what was going through my head.

"What are you on about? Silly boy. You can never change this world." Astaroth says.

Lukas looks at me worriedly.

"Move back,Jess" he tells me.

I step away and cling on to a tree and slowly climb it.

"I'm meaner than all the demons here! You get that?" Lukas shouts at Astaroth.

"Sure,sure you keep telling yourself that. You will end up dead sooner or later." Astaroth says.

I was shivering. I was scares for not only me but also for Lukas. I couldnt do anything about it. Both of them could kill me in a second escpecially now in my weakened state.

 Astaroth starts to make fun of Lukas.

"Oh,Lukas. Please stop,you're scaring me my brother!" Astaroth says clearly making  an impression of George.

Lukas' eyes turn pitch black. Damn.. not a good sign...

"Dont you remind me of that!" He growls at Astaroth

"Oh George, stab stab!" Astaroth says clearly enjoying himself.

Lukas growls louder. It sounded like a wolf growl. Astaroth just smiles. Suddenly  Lukas stabs Astaroth on  his side and Astaroth gasps

"I cant stop this thing controlling me!" Lukas says clearly worried.

Astaroth looks at Lukas in fear.

"God damn right you should be scared of me." Lukas says to Astaroth. "Who's in control?" Lukas asks Astaroth.

"You are Lukas...you are..." Astaroth tells Lukas.

I knew Lukas was not himself. I didnt have the energy to do anything.

"Fight it Lukas" I tell him from the top of the tree.

"I can't fight it Jess. I have to kill him! He's dead. You're all dead!" Lukas replies to me.

Lukas' eyes turn red.

"Oh shit" Astaroth says then he dissapears.

Lukas pulls at his hair frustrated.

"Im so sick of people trying to control me!" He  says angrily.

Lukas growls at himself and smoke surrounds him.He starts talking to himself. I taught it was best to just stay quiet and listen.

"You're in control, Lukas. You are. You're the one in control here...... I'm bigger than this body.... I'm meaner than the other demons"

"Yes Lukas .... you are" I say nodding.

"I cant help this aweful energy.. God damn right they should be scared of me.. I'm in control,all me. I'm the one in control. Not you,not him,not her." He says.

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