7 years Later

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6am , I was ready for this. I had been waiting for a long long time. I was finally going to this   school in town with actual people. I was happy and I  had never been so much happier I even had a tail to swim with at last!

 I never taught  my first day would turn out like this. Never, and believe me when I look back at that day I feel 
grateful. School went along normally  all the teachers seemed normal except this one in particular. Mr Mortarez , my English teacher was different than normal teachers. Everybody knew him as the tiny teacher because most  students where taller than him. Besides that he was very short he was also a fun  teacher unlike some other teachers who expect you to know everything without an explanation. My point is that he was and still is a good teacher.

But no matter how Jolly and Happy one person may look like, everybody hides dark and terrible secrets.  When one day I was walking home from school I herd a scream.

It was  somebody I herd before. I see one of my friends , Alex   run to the house I was closest to. "Come with me" He told me as he dragged me into the house. What I see was something I never unsee. Mr Mortarez ( Or James ) was there on the floor beaten up and covered in blood.

I told Alex to give me 1 minute alone to fix it. I taught I was going mad. I barley started schooland im exposing my magic to a teacher. What if he exposed me to the news? I could be sent to a zoo or an aquarium museum.  I was too panicked  to think. I used my magic and removed mostthe scars and blood. I put a bandage around a few places so Alex wouldn't notice what I did. 

The next day I was obviously called on by  Mr. Mortarez. He wanted to know what I did."Can you please explain to me how some of my scars just magically vanished?", He questions me. I didn't know where to start but after a while I managed to explain the
whole situation still afraid and unsure if I should trust this person.

Outcast Angelfish (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt