Why I cant fall inlove...

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"Hey Jess..." I was waking up. I groaned

Raven is infront of me "You okay?"

"Im fine" I say rubbing my head "where is Anne?!"

"Calm down" he says. "Anne is okay. She went to hospital to be treated."

Raven holds out his hand and helps me stand up. I still felt super dizzy

Suddenly there was a phone call and Raven answers it.

He pales slightly and says "thank you sir."
He puts the phone down and looks at me. "Lets go..."
"Whats wrong?" I ask

"Lukas tried entering the hospital and killed 2 nurses with a gun."

My eyes widen. Did he want to kill Anne that badly? And why? What has Anne ever done to him?

We went to pick up Anne from the hospital before Lukas could come back and we took her home.
I realised it was getting late and I had to go but Raven stopped me.

"Jess I dont think its safe for you to remain alone at this stage.. Lukas can come try to kill you.. I think you should sleep in Anne's room for tonight.."

I taught about it for a few seconds...
He was right.. Lukas knew where I lived and he could come kill me. I guess it couldnt hurt if I stayed over at Annes for a bit.

"I guess.." I mumble.

"Good.." he says.
He gets me a sleeping bag and puts it in Annes room.

"Ill be here.. if you need anything just tell me." As we where trying to sleep Anne seemed a bit down.
"Sorry I kept the secret from you" I told her

"Its ok Jess.."

"Do you want me to sing to you?" I ask her

"Yes please Jess."

I sang her rockabye baby by clean bandit and she soon fell asleep
Afterwards I tried falling asleep but it was no good. I taught id go out for a swim. When I got out of the room Raven was there he looked at me seriously.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Cant sleep.. so im going for a swim.."

"No Jess stay here its for your own good. "

I sigh.

"Im almost 18." I say

"Well im way older than you.."

He looks at me even more seriously.
"Sit down." He tells me.

I sit down on the couch next to him. There was a moment of silence until he turned to me and asked.

"Jess... how do you manage not to fall inlove?"

I blink... I taught about it... Why dont I fall inlove? I look at Raven

"I just say to myself... Nobody wants to date a fish do they Jess?" I answer

Raven smiles.

"Well nobody wants to date a bird do they?"

"Raven , your name is Raven... how does that make you a bird?"

Raven just smiles a bit more.

"I am a Raven ... Ill show you.."

He stands up and a few seconds later I see a literal Raven infront of me. It looked exactly the same as an actual Raven except it had a red stripe through its wing. The Raven flew on to my shoulder.

"Thats really cool..." I say

The Raven flies off my shoulder and back on the floor. Soon enough the bird turns back into Raven. The person - Raven.

"But why exactly is your weakness love , Jess?"

I look down at my feet.

"I was never loved by anybody... I was always hated and when I came on this land. I always was afraid of loving anybody. Simply because I would not be accepted"

I shivered because I had never told anbody about it and never talked about it...

"Its okay my weakness is love too.."

I stopped still.. "really?" I ask

"Yes really" he replies..

"How come?" I ask.

"I have a friend... his name is Crow.
He had a loved one.. one day this loved one had to leave him forever.
He got upset and he wasnt the same person after that. That shook me. Love became my weakness from then on.."

That shook me too.. that story was deep. I couldnt imagine the same thing happening to me...

"Dont worry about it.." Raven tells me.

Those words rang in my head. "Dont worry about it"

With Raven around I dont think I had much to worry about.

"Maybe you should go to sleep.." he tells me.

"What about you?" I ask

"Demons dont sleep.." he told me..

"I see.."

To be fair I was a little bit tired..
"Ye I think ill just go to sleep.." I say getting up from the couch.

"Ok goodnight Jess." He tells me.

"Goodnight Raven.."

I go to the bedroom and lie down on the sleeping bag again.

I close my eyes.

Well my day didnt finish off too bad atleast...

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