Chapter Eleven:

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So i didnt mean to do it like this but all of my chapters will be short from here on out. im sorry. ><


Chapter Eleven:

Gavin walked into the café and looked around for me, over here, I sent him a thought and his eyes went to mine. He grinned widely and walked quickly up to me. “Oh hey you.” He kissed me, surprising me. I giggled and pushed him back a little. “Today has been very… different you know. I don’t even have to think when I answer everything on the papers and stuff. You know I had a test today and I actually had to go back and change answers so some were wrong.” He went on about his day and I smiled at how happy he seemed to look.

We went up to the lunch line together and bought big amounts of food. Gavin looked like he was ready to eat everything but barely contained himself. In the end we looked like we both had enough food for three people. I laughed with him when we saw my friends faces. They looked so shocked at our trays and bet we couldn’t eat it all.

I burped loudly when I finished it all. Jessie looked at me like I had two head and Chloe looked like she was going to be sick. “I think that’s the first time I actually felt satisfied with eating.” I sighed and patted my stomach. Both shook their head with a laugh, thinking I was joking. Gavin chuckled, he finished before me a good minute before me. He had blushed when I looked over at him and saw nothing on his tray, it was kinda cute.

The day passed by quite quickly and we got a lot of looks, some surprised and happy, others hateful and discouraging. I ignored them, mostly, and stayed next to Gavin when we were together. We walked onto the bus afterschool and sat near the middle, together and waited for Ryan. He had been a bundle of energy today and it was very different from the Ryan that had been sleepy looking and sad. I liked this Ryan, he looked really alive.

“What are you going to do?” Gavin asked, leaning in close towards me.

“Surprise.” I smiled. He rolled his eyes and tried to get it out of me, I just kept laughing at him. We saw Brent come on the bus and give us glares and disgusted looks before going to the back. “Ill eat dinner with you but then I have to go.”

He nodded while pouting at me and I just shoved him a little. We decided to stay in my living room for the evening. I let him help me cook dinner but I remembered my shirt, you could see my cuts clear as day and he was looking down a lot. We were making pasta salad and chicken. Gavin was doing a lot of chopping of peppers and cheese. And my arms had to get close to his view.

Luckily we got through cooking without him seeing. We sat at the table and I lifted the bole of pasta to him. He took it with a quick glance at it, but that did it. I cursed to myself as I saw his eyes connect with my arm. The smile he had disappeared in a flash and was replaced with confusion and anger. “What is that?”

I looked down and held a hand over my arm. My heart was racing and it hurt, he waited for a while. “Shane, why?”

“I-I don’t really know why I do it, it’s just something I started after B-Brent started getting into making fun of me too.” I pulled the shirt sleeve up to look at them. Most looked a nasty dark color that wouldn’t ever truly go away. “He was a lot worse than you and acts like I did something to hurt him and took it out on me. For some reason anybody he asked joined in and did little things. It still hurt and I just did it.”

Gavin was shaking lightly and I saw fury in his eyes when I looked up. His eyes seemed to shift all different colors before settling on a deep red. It was scary to look at, and made me shiver. “What?”

“Your eyes- just the color is all.” I shrugged. “I haven’t… since when you came here.” It helped relax him a tiny bit but he looked murderous.

“Lets just eat.” He said softly after a few minutes of silence and started with pasta. I took a few pieces of chicken and we switched off in silence again.

I ate slowly and got up once I was done without a word. Gavin stayed seated, and I felt horrible. His eyes never left his plate and I wanted to say something but I didn’t, I didn’t know what to say. I looked at him after I loaded my dishes in the dish washer. “Bye.” It was the only thing I could think of and say without emotion.

“Just going to leave?” he finally looked up and I saw why he was so quiet, he was trying not to cry. I saw them threatening to spill and I saw pain in his eyes. I shook my head and ran to him, jumping into his lap. He caught me easily and rested his head in my neck as I rested mine in his. Gavin’s hands wrapped tightly around my waist, squeezing me to him. We didn’t say anything until I pulled back to look at him. “Don’t do it anymore Shane, please.” His voice was a whisper.

“I won’t.” I told him and kissed him hard. He kissed back harder and secured my head to his. It was a passionate kiss that said things we couldn’t out loud. “Okay… I have to go.” I whispered out of breath when we pulled apart, our foreheads touching.

“Alright, I’ll see you in a few days.” He reluctantly let me go and watched me run out the door. I was going to be going to the Caribbean and going to an island that only I knew about. It had become my favorite place pretty quickly but I let her stay there, and I didn’t go back.

It’s been a good 5 years since I helped them escape. I jumped into the air after a start run and my wings stabbed out of the shirt. The muscles groaned in protest but it quickly faded. The flight would take a day and a half.

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