Chapter Ten:

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Sorry its a short one this time. im sorry for the up coming Chapters, they will all pretty much be short from here on out. i didnt mean for them to be i just went through it quickly and seperated them.


Chapter Ten:

“So I was hoping that you could explain about what goes on from here.” Gavin looked at me from his hands, he was leaning on them. I nodded and got a cutting knife, accidentally picking up the one I usually use, I shoved it back in and got another. This was stupid, I was getting way too agitated, I just needed to calm down.

“So you might have to quit football, don’t give me that look… there is a way that you could but youd lose your wings for a while. Now school, you will be able to learn easily now, so you might have to act and show that you don’t know much more. People will get curious when you suddenly ace everything.” I started cutting the mango, “Now back to football, if you give it up you keep your wings, stay in football and you have to let them fall off and they’ll come back but they might look different.”

“What do you think about them,” he asked motioning to his wings.

“I love them but I want you to-“

“Okay, ill quit.” He said and started eating the plate of fruit I gave him. “Ill just start track or something.”

“What? D-don’t quit because of my opinion! D-do what you want,” I stuttered pointing my fork at him.

“Shane, I don’t care about football that much, I want you to be happy.” He shrugged with a light blush, “This is really good, what is this?”

“Mango,” I smiled, “its one of my favorite fruits.” I stabbed a piece and chewed it slowly. He laughed at me when I finished before him, “Hey, im hungry.” I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed. “Time to go, come on.” Gavin grabbed my hand and let me drag him to the bus stop. Ryan was there this morning, “Ryan!” I smiled and ran after him.

He looked up right in time for me to crash into his arms, Ryan laughed and gently hugged me back, “Hi Shane. Oh, hi Gavin… wow you look really different, what happened to you?”

“Uh…” he trailed off while looking at me for help, “He got sick, and he lost a lot of weight.” I lied easily, “But he’s a lot better now, now back to you; how are you?”

He smiled, “Im good, everything is really good.” I grinned back and grabbed Gavin’s hand, he squeezed it. “The doctors were really shocked. Said it was some kind of miracle.” Ryan smiled at me happily before turning around so he could get on the bus. We followed him and met the eyes of Brent easily, his jaw dropped at the sight of Gavin.

“Oh my god dude, she wasn’t lying when she said you were sick. What happened to you!” he gasped as we sat down together, Ryan sat behind us.

“donno,” Gavin lied shrugging, “Just got really sick and lost a lot of weight.”

Brent’s eyes strayed to our hands, “why are you two holding hands? You aren’t seriously with her right Gavin?!” he snarled, god this girl was such a stupid bitch, now she’s taking my best friend?

“Yes, I am with her,” his voice leaked with venom, I guess he read his mind too. I squeezed his hand in hope to calm him down, “Get over it. I love her so you better just shut your mouth and not speak another mean word to her, about her, or else.” My heart quickened, he said he loved me. I smiled softly and looked up at Brent. He gave us a disgusted look and went back further in the bus. “I’m sorry about Brent.” Gavin whispered in my ear and nuzzled his head into my neck.

“Don’t worry about it,” I smiled and we got off together. It was nice to be holding his hand all through the halls and stopping at my locker. He kept his arms wrapped around me as I got my things out for the morning. This made me laugh because I had to bend over and he just bended with me affectively making me rub against him. Gavin groaned but stayed, kissing my neck softly. “You, come on, time to go.” I dragged his hands off of me and held on to one of his hands when we walked into homeroom.

Jessie and Chloe squealed loudly as we walked in and they ran up to me. “OH my GOD! You’re with GAVIN? Holy shit girl, and damn he looks good, wow you’re skinny.” He grunted at the last part and pulled me into his arms. I smiled when I saw their jaws drop even further, but then their eyes widened at what was behind us. I turned to see a very pissed off looking Mandy.

She was thinking all sorts of horrible things to do to me and I cracked a smile. Somehow you just knew she was one of those crazy stalker killer exes. Gavin chuckled softly in my ear so she didn’t hear and lifted his head up, “Got a problem Mandy?”

“You’re mine.” She hissed/whimpered. I laughed out loud and Gavin slipped his hand over my mouth with a smile.

“Well, last time I checked you cheated on me and didn’t give a rats ass about it.” He glared, “and plus id never get back with you.” She glared at me with pure hate before leaving the class room. Ryan walked in and stopped when he saw everyone was quiet.

“Whoa, why so serious?” he winced at the class, someone laughed and the tension was broken. Ryan walked over to us and sat on a desk. “Damn I got the worst look from Mandy when I walked in, what crawled up her ass and died, she shoved me too, that girl can push for someone so skinny.” He sniffed before getting tackled into a hug, “Ack!” he fell onto the floor, covered by Jessie and Chloe. For someone they just met both of the girls loved him, he chuckled lightly and kissed their heads before getting up.

Looking at everyone coming in and sitting in front of us, we were like a mini family. A weird one, definitely and half were mutants, but a family. My family, I frowned and thought about her. I promised her I’d get her here if everything got better. My eyes fell onto Gavin, im keeping that promise. She was my baby sister, and I’d sworn to protect her and the others. I doubt she was really happy being in the ocean and just swimming all day with the fish.

“You okay?” Gavin squeezed my waist, trying to grab my attention.

“Yeah, I just need to go do something after school and I’ll be back in a few days.” I smiled gently at  his pout.

“Haha, random you know.” He kissed my neck and I giggled, trying not to blush as we got looks from Jessie and Chloe.

“I know, sorry. It’s something I have to do.” I didn’t want to leave him but I didn’t want to shock him or shock her. she was coming home and that’s what matters.  “And we’ll have to change the time we go shopping for clothes, sorry.”

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