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Elisabeth's POV

Patrick, my sweet husband, was about to leave for tour. He was disappointed because he wouldn't be able to see Olivia when she got out of the hospital.
"I promise I'll bring her over to the Chicago show. It'll be her first time seeing you in concert." I reassured him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Patrick was growing a little beard, which I found cute. He smiled.
"Okay, sugar. Stay safe." He touched his forehead to mine, grabbing my hands lovingly and gazing down at our baby happily. "Don't fall in the shower or anything."

I laughed. "That's only happened once when I was a kid." I gave him a quick peck on his soft lips before handing him his traveling bag. Then, he was off.

* a week later *

It's been two weeks, which meant I had to get Olivia out of the hospital. Slowly, I walked to the car, feeling heavy and exhausted. I hopped in the car, turning on the engine. Me and Olivia will surprise Patrick on the tour, I decided.
It never came to me how this was even possible-- the doctor himself said I couldn't have a baby. However, I was glad that me and Patrick were finally going to have a baby. I knew Olivia felt the same.

I parked in the hospital parking-lot and rushed in the building. The doctor in the front looked at me. "You here for Olivia?" She eyed my stomach. "Or..."

I nodded. "Olivia, she's ready right?" I wanted to be sure.
The doctor nodded and told me what room she was it. I staggered down the hallway into that room to find Olivia gazing at the ceiling with a lack of interest.
"Olivia?" I called softly, stepping into the room.

Olivia's head shot up instantly; she glared at me, her dark blue eyes beaming. "Mom!"

I crept over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Olivia kept her arms closed around my back. "You look exhausted," she added.

I nodded. "I'm fine. Are you ready to go home?"

"Definitely." My daughter nodded desperately. She looked better, even. Not so frail and weary anymore, but her eyes shone with a happiness and joy I haven't seen since we adopted her.

"Alright," I sighed, helping Olivia out of bed. She needed a little help walking to the car since she hadn't walked in a while.
Olivia's legs stopped trembling when she got in the car. She moved her hair behind her ear and glimpsed at me. "Where's Patrick?" She asked, the thought just now coming to her attention.

"He's on tour," I answered, making sure she was buckled. I heard Olivia say oh as I buckled myself in, not too hard over the baby.
Olivia and me kept in silence for a few minutes before she asked me a question.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Olivia squirmed around to get in a more comfortable position.

I shrug, focusing on the road. "Not quite sure yet," I admit. I didn't care what gender the baby was, as long as it was healthy. Olivia in the back muttered agreement as we pulled into our driveway.
She unbuckled and hauled herself out of her seat, instantly flying headfirst to the floor.

I ran over to her, letting out a small wail. "OLIVIA!" I helped her up, relief surging through my body once I saw she was okay and dandy.

"I'm okay." Olivia laughed and sat up, rubbing her head which had a small bruise on it. "I still can't walk very good."

"That's fine," I exhale deeply and help her up and into the house. She instantly plopped on the couch, discerning and taking in all the scents and sights she hadn't seen in a long time.
I sit beside her, my gaze affectionate. "Would you like anything to eat?" I ask.

She shook her head. "I was fed earlier this morning."

I put an arm around her, giving her a tight squeeze with tears stuck in my glossy eyes. "We missed you."

"I missed you guys too." She sniffed. "I wish Patrick were here."

"Me too," I frowned. "But we can go on tour to see him—"

"Tour?" My daughters eyes lit up. "We can go see him at the concert?"

"Mhm." I smiled quickly. "We're going to have to leave tomorrow and get plenty of rest tonight if you're up for it."

"That sounds like a deal!" Olivia grinned.

I gave my daughter a hard, loving squeeze. She returned it, nuzzling her face into my shoulder. With my gentle hands, I rub her back. She's gone through so much.
I felt the baby kicking inside me. I grunted again, pulling away and glancing down at my stomach. Olivia peeked as well.

"How did that even happen?" she asked.

"The baby?" I frown. "Or the possibility..."

"The possibility," Olivia laughed. "I'm not uneducated and innocent, you know."

I fix the glasses on the bridge of my nose, thinking for a second. "I reckon it's just a miracle."

| Olivia |

A gentle hand that shook my body woke up early. I open my eyes with a loud groan. Elisabeth, just as tired, smiled at me. "It's time to go."

Patrick! I shot up from my bed and raced to the dresser to get my clothes on. My father....
I wanted to see him so bad again. I remember the times he taught me piano, with all the jealous fangirls— I felt like a nobody back then. My dad was still there, abusing me. Patrick and Elisabeth offered help to me. Then, him and Elisabeth adopted me. Tons of things have happened then, horrible, despicable things. However, I am here now, happy and safe. Right where I want to be.

I packed my clothes in a bag, along with other things I predicted I'd need. Then, I threw on my clothes, neatly brushing my hair for Patrick. Something black on my bed caught my eye. A small piece of black clothing— my beanie! I took it in my hands, looking at the dusty, old beanie. Slowly, I placed it on my head, just like old times.

Once I left my bedroom, I spot my mother, Elisabeth, waiting for me with a friendly grin on her face. I returned the smile, letting her know I was ready to go.

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Where stories live. Discover now