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Patrick's POV

It was time for us, me and my wife Elisabeth, to visit our daughter for the last time ever. It was softly raining outside as we both walked to the car, gray clouds covering the once happy, bright blue sky. I opened the door for Elisabeth, my head ringing and throbbing with pain. My own heart ached more than my chest did. I felt as if a rat was gnawing on my insides. It hurts to see your loved ones go.

Elisabeth nodded a thanks and hopped in before I did. We buckled up, and I began to drive, hardly paying attention to the blurry city lights and the dark rain clouds that surrounded us. Today is a different day.

Once we arrived at the hospital, we walked in quickly and signed in to see our daughter.
The doctor, Dr. Pepper, lead us to her room. The door was cracked open. I pushed it open, my heart cracking as I saw my daughter laying limp on the bed. The only sign of life was her breathing-- slow and relaxed.

Elisabeth grabbed my hand as we walked over to Olivia.
"Sweetie..." Patrick mumbled, breaking the silence. "It's us. Patrick and Elisabeth."

Olivia didn't budge.
The doctor walked up with a piece of clothing. "Mr. Stump, we found this in her shirt."

Patrick looked at the cloth. It was the beanie he gave her, soaked in blood.

Olivia's POV

Pain was all my body could express and feel. I could hear Patrick talking to me softly. It warmed my once damaged heart hearing and knowing about how much they cares about me. After all, little part of my life was loved. Thanks to them, everything was okay. I know I'm going to die-- I can feel it. But it is certainly worth this life if I got to meet my real parents; Patrick and Elisabeth.
"It's us," Patrick spoke softly. "Patrick and Elisabeth."

His voice echoed a few times in my head. I wanted to reply, but I couldn't move. My body felt paralyzed. It's probably the drugs Connor and that James gave me. He doesn't even deserve the title of dad. Patrick is my true dad.
My hand twitched, I knew Patrick was sobbing over me, gently running his fingers down my curly brown hair. Elisabeth was crying too.
They couldn't have kids. I was their one chance.

I have to say goodbye. I wanted to speak to them. No matter how bad it hurt, I'm going to try.
Slowly, I rose my hand, my bones aching with excruciating pain. Patrick's gaze flickered over to me with a gasp. I placed my hand on his, opening my weak eyes, staring right into his own clouded blue ones.

Patrick was trembly. Elisabeth beside him wouldn't stop crying until Patrick nudged her. She looked at me, her blue eyes full of mixed emotions.
"Y-You're not just P-Patrick or just Elisa-b-beth..." I gently spoke, my words weak. I curled my fingers around Patrick's. "I'm your daughter... that's all I'll ever be." I wanted to say more.

I truly did. But I couldn't. Before I knew it, my body went limp and my whole life darkened.


Patrick wailed with hurt as the two entered the house, his body uncontrollably shaking. He buried his face in his hands and muttered many curses for every free breath he had. Elisabeth flung herself around Patrick to comfort him, her eyes red and puffy.
Patrick held onto her. She's the only thing he had now. He couldn't ever lose her.

The two finally made their way to the couch. Elisabeth cuddled herself in Patrick's arms. "Patrick...?"

Patrick looked at her, his eyes dull from pain. "Yes?"

"Does Olivia or me mean more to you?" She asked.
Patrick felt anger bubble up in his stomach from the question. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK?"

Elisabeth flinched, sinking down against Patrick's grip. Tears streamed down her face. "You love Olivia more."
Patrick looked down, whimpering and whining in regret. "I know we just got her months ago, but I feel like she's been there since forever."

Elisabeth shuddered. "I'm sorry. It's all my fault."
Patrick looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"It's my fault that I can't have kids. What good am I to you?" She whimpered.

Patrick slowly cradled her close to him. "Shh..." He rubbed her back lovingly. "You're my world, baby."
"Olivia is your world," Elisabeth muttered. "But that doesn't bother me. She was mine too."

Patrick frowned, his eyes dulling again. "I love you."

Elisabeth didn't answer him. She looked down. Finally, she sighed and muttered; "I love you too."

Months Later

"Patrick!" Elisabeth ran to her husband.

Patrick looked at her lovingly. "Hey baby... what's up?"

Elisabeth blinked the tears from her eyes. Patrick looked concerned. "Are you okay?"
"Yes!" Elisabeth wiped them away. "I have good news."

Patrick smiled. He needed some good news. "Spit it out at me."

"Apparently I'm pregnant."

Patrick's eyes widened. "What? Baby, I thought it was impossible!" He looked at Elisabeth's small baby bump he's never quite noticed before. But how?

"I thought so too," Elisabeth mopped her eyes. "I'm four months in. Are you ready for the better news?"

Patrick smiled brightly. Another child after Olivia. I have to name it after her... "What could get better than this?" Patrick beamed.

"Olivia was in a coma, not dead. She's waken up!" Elisabeth exclaimed.
Patrick felt dizzy with all of this information. "Wh-What?"

"Olivia is okay, Patrick." Elisabeth cried and hugged Patrick tightly. "We can all be a happy family again."
Patrick felt his heartbeat run quicker than it ever has before. "Oh-- we must see her!"

Elisabeth nodded quickly. "Yes!" She took his hand and ran outside, a few raindrops splattering on them as they ran to the car.
Patrick hoped in the car, his brain still soaking in all of his new information. I have two kids now. Then, he turned on the car and drove quickly to the hospital.

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