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| Patrick |

She didn't look too good. How could this happen to me? I leaned over her bed, tears welling in my eyes. "Olivia?" I hesitantly spoke.

Olivia's eyes fluttered open, which practically made my heart skip a beat. She had IV's pinned in her arms, and even a breathing tube placed directly her mouth. I intertwined my fingers with my daughter's. "You doing okay?" My voice cracks a little.

Olivia nods; although I'd reckon she was lying. She wasn't okay, physically and mentally. I wanted to be the change to that-- to be the best father I could be. I figured she couldn't speak with that mask on her, so I just gently stroke her cheek, her eyes soon closing. "I'm a horrible father..."

Olivia's eyes shot open again. She instantly shook her head, squeezing my hand and letting go of it. My heart melted. She seemed so weak, and she wanted to talk to me; yet she couldn't.

I felt hot tears rise against eyes again, sliding down my cheek. "I'll stay here until you're healthy... baby girl..."

Olivia looks at me with the happiest look I've ever seen on her have since I adopted her. Her frown turns into a heart-warming smile, and I return it. And that's what happened.

I stayed with her.

My wife worked in the hospital, so very often she would visit. Some days she would be off, but she still visited.
Some of my friends would even come to visit me and Olivia. When I said I would stay in the hospital for her, I meant it. It's been about a few days now. I barely ate. I hadn't even thought about my band or my job at the school until now since my mind was fixed on my daughter.

I was quietly reading a book to Olivia when I heard the door crack open. My gaze instantly shot towards the door, and Olivia's gaze slowly switched from me to the door.

I haven't seen him in forever; my best friend. I darted over to him, almost tripping, hugging him tightly. Pete gasped in surprise, his arms slowly wrapping around me. I let go of him.

"I heard about Olivia, and I thought I'd come by and see how you guys are doing." He glanced at Olivia. "And I'd like to introduce myself to your daughter."

I grinned. Pete was such a caring person-- I followed him back to Olivia's hospital bed. Pete bent over, softly speaking to Olivia.
"Hey Olivia; I'm Pete." He grins again.

Olivia gives him a look that almost spoke I already know who you are, and grins back. Pete hands her a teddy bear, which I did not happen to see earlier. A smile played at my lips as I watched him give it to her.

She receives the teddy bear, smiling like a little kid. She looked like one, too. Her makeup was washed off, her beanie vanished-- but nonetheless, she looked joyful just like a child-- but weak.

I sigh, just taking a moment to stare at her. Sorrow covers my eyes seeminly for the millionth time today. Pete glances at me with the same sad look on his face. "I'm so sorry, Patrick..."

Olivia turned gloomy again as Pete spoke. I eyed nothing but the floor. "She'll get better..."

Pete and me stood together, not speaking for quite a while. Eventually, Olivia dozed off. My best friend turned to look at me as she fell asleep. "I hope the best for you."
Then he makes his way to the door.

I felt the cold rush through my body, which I instantly woke up to. I rub my eyes, sitting up in the dark. The doctor placed a bed for me in Olivia's hospital room so I can stay and keep an eye on her.... but she wasn't there.

"Olivia?" I call, my gaze turning to every corner and foot in this room. I felt my heart leap out of my chest again. Her bed was empty, and the window was wide open.

I scramble to the window, gazing out at the night sky. "OLIVIA!" I screamed so loud I felt my voice rumble down my throat.
"OLIVIA!" My yelling was practically higher than how I sang at concerts. I didn't realize I had woken up someone when a nurse rushed in.

"Mr. Stump?" she sounded a little angry. My wife who worked as a nurse here came as well, following her in. "Patrick?"

I didn't know Elisabeth was working today. I was too worried to feel embarrassed. "OLIVIA'S GONE!"

"Shh..." the nurse silenced me, but my wife stepped in. 
"Did she escape through the window?" Elisabeth anxiously asks, glancing around the room.

I nod, tears filling my eyes again. Elisabeth came over to me, rubbing my back. I almost felt the need to slap her off of my back, but I didn't.
"Our first daughter is gone... Elisa..."

"No." Elisabeth stared at me. "We will find her."

The nurse stood there for a second, then darted out of the room. I supposed she was going to tell the cops, just glaring at the worried expression on her face. I didn't take the time to think about that. "What if her dad snuck in and took her?"

"That possibility is low," my wife sniffed, tears running down her cheeks. "Yet if he did, wouldn't he have killed you then?"

"But then why would Olivia run away?" I snap.

Elisabeth flinches. I immediately soften up. "I'm sorry... I just...-"

"I know.." Elisabeth pulls me into a hug. "We finally have a kid and she just disappears.."

"I wish you could have kids," I whisper, shaking. Elisabeth was born with the ability to not have kids. Having my own kids was always my dream. But I loved Elisabeth, so there was always adopting. But when we first adopted, this happens.

"I know..." Elisabeth whispers.

I shake my head softly, my tears soaking in her shirt. "We will find Olivia.."

Elisabeth unwrapped my arms away from her, standing up. She looked very concerned, yet so very serious. I stood up, wiping my tears with my sleeves. "What is it?"

"A note.." Elisabeth picks up a white paper, no bigger than the size of her hand. "Olivia left a note."

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Where stories live. Discover now