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Olivia fixed her hoodie on her head. Would it be a good idea if I walked in with this clean hoodie? Olivia's eyes narrowed as she thought. My dad would probably take it. This is all I have left of Patrick and Elisabeth.

She hid the hoodie down her bra because she didn't expect her dad to look there. She crept towards the dark and broken house with trembling steps. Olivia finally touched her cold fingertips to the doorbell, then pressed it. The sound echoed around the house.

Heartbeats later, James Morten, her father, opened the door, an revengeful grin smearing across his face. "Why hello, Olivia." He spat.

Olivia shuddered. "I've only come so you won't hurt Patrick and Elisabeth."

"And I'm keeping my promise," the man spoke suspiciously. He pulled her in the house violently and kicked her into a wall. "NOW GO CLEAN THE HOUSE! MAKE IT SPOTLESS, OR I WILL BEAT YOU."

Olivia shuddered, instantly grabbing a broom. Mr. Morten snatched the broom from her and broke it in half. He handed her a rag, just to make her job harder. "NOW GO!"


Patrick couldn't sleep. He hasn't gotten it in atleast a day-- the rings under his eyes were black, and his mood was plain grumpy. Elisabeth set down some tea in front of him, her eyes red from crying. "Baby... you need to sleep."

"Who the hell needs sleep when your only chance of getting a daughter is gone." He snapped bitterly.

Elisabeth put her arms around her husband, her hands sliding to his stomach to feel his rough breathing. "I know- Patrick- I'm devastated too. The police are doing everything they can."

Patrick's once starry blue eyes were dull. He looked at his wife with agony and sorrow. "The pain is excruciating. It feels like someone is constantly stabbing me." He whined, unable to get his mind off of Olivia.

"How would you feel if I died?" Elisabeth asked, then quickly shut her mouth with regret after saying that.

Patrick looked at her. "Elisabeth- I have known you for so long. If you died, I would die with you." He turned around so he was facing her. "Why would you ask such a thing?"

"I-I don't know." Elisabeth sobbed. "I'm not myself lately."

"You're not yourself lately," Patrick echoed in agreement. "But your still the same girl I love."
Elisabeth smiled weakly, resting her head on his shoulder. "We'll look for Olivia, and do everything we can do stop her dad."

With that, Elisabeth smiled, partly convinced. She scooted closer to Patrick and slipped her arms around his neck, connecting lips with him. Lovingly, Patrick began to kiss back, his heart pounding at the thought that his wife could've even suggested death. Impossible when I'm around. He pulled Elisabeth into a hug, moving their faces apart.

He squeezed her with his eyes closed, wishing to get his mind off of Olivia. But I can't... I really hope she's okay.


"Olivia!" Mr. Morten yanked the frail girl towards him.
Olivia looked at him weakly. "What?"

"Go hide in the closet. Don't let anyone see you. The police are here."
Olivia thought for a second. Could he get the death penalty if he's caught with me? She remembered how her father escaped jail. He couldn't be caught anywhere, actually. But it's either this or Patrick and Elisabeth die. Her father's voice echoed in her head; "I will make their death slow and painful..."

"F--king go!" He whispered, shoving Olivia and interrupting her thoughts. Olivia darted up into her room, locking herself in the closet. She didn't know what her father was doing. He's too powerful. No guy could escape bars like him. The police probably had no choice but to kill James Morten.

She hoped that the police would kill him. It would he stupid to take him back to prison where he could easily escape and kill Patrick and Elisabeth. They were too good to Olivia. She's only known them personally for two weeks, but they mattered most to her.

Speaking of two weeks, Olivia thought. I've missed school due to injuries. And if my 'dad' isn't caught by the police, it would be stupid of him to bring me back there where Patrick works and where police can see me. Olivia's heart burned. Am I saying I miss school? Yes, I miss everything-- including the bullies. They were nicer than my father ever was.

A few loud screamed echoed across the house, and Olivia's heart accelerated. She stayed in the closet, clinging to the wall as she heard footsteps. Please be a cop, please be a cop...

Instead, the footsteps stopped. Olivia thought her heart couldn't get any faster when she saw the door open to an strange unfamiliar face. "Why hello, Olivia."

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Where stories live. Discover now