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Patrick's POV

"No way!" Olivia screeched with excitement. Once she saw the looks on mine and Elisa's faces, she changed her wording. "S-Sorry. I meant like, 'no way you're asking me!' Which also means 'YES I'D BE HONOURED!"

She sprang over to me, running into my arms. I changed my shocked facial expression into a happier one. She held onto me and wouldn't let go; which just about made me want to cry. My first daughter.

Elisabeth, my lovely wife, comes and joins us. Olivia clung on her, too, sobbing. "I finally have parents; real ones." Olivia whispered into our ears, shaking.

That just about melted my heart, seeing how desperate she was for love. I rub her back, holding her for a while. Elisabeth eventually let go, smiling at the sight of us and backing out of the room. I let go and kissed my adopted-daughter's forehead. "What do you want to do for tonight?" I ask her.

She grins weakly, still trembling. "I- I don't know."

"That's okay, we can play a game, watch tv, anything you'd like."

"Can you show me around the house?" She asks.

"Of course." I take her down the hallway into mine and Elisabeth's room. "I may be in here if you need me or Elisabeth at night," I then lead her out and show her the kitchen.

"If you ever want a snack, you don't have to ask." I open the pantry, showing her a variety of foods.

Her mouh goes agape, taking in the sight as if she had never seen a pantry so full of food before. "Woah."

I puff out a quiet laugh again, closing the pantry. I show her everything else, except for her room and the living room which she's already seen. When we stopped, I smiled.

"I'll be seeing you at school, too." I brought her into my arms again.

She looks up at me, squished. "Can I call you dad?"

"Of course!" Dad. I love being called that.. I gently release her from my arms. I remembered the day I met her and how I found that paper on the floor that someone wrote her.

"Hey... uhm-- do you get bullied at school?" I carefully asked her.

Olivia sucked in her cheeks, then nodded slowly. "Y-Yes. Sometimes."

"Why do they bully you?"

Olivia exchanged a look to her feet. "All because they believe I'll end up like my father...- also because I appear to be 'emo.'"

I felt sympathy for her. I take her hand into mine. "You're too good to end up like how your father is." I lifted up her chin so she can see my face. "Emo isn't a bad thing, either. Pete was... well, emo."

I caught a glimpse of my daughter smiling at that comment. "Thank you..." she hesitated. "Father."

I let go of her hand. "Have you decided on an activity, yet?"

She nods. "Do you have a piano?"

"Well, duh!" I go into my room, taking out a small keyboard. I plug it into the wall in her room. "Certainly works, but I'm hoping I can soon recieve an actual piano."

Olivia starts playing some keys. She played The Last Of The Real Ones, my band's new song, and the exact keys I showed her that one day.

"Can you play Für Elise again?" I ask.

Her fingers stop the rhythm, and they slowly began to play Für Elise. I crouch beside her where's she's sitting, starting to play some extra keys that made it sound darker and better.

Elisabeth came in with a giggle. "Seems like we have a family that can't play the piano." She nudged me aside, which I knew was a joke, and began to play MoonLight Sonata.

She looked at me with playful eyes, which I stuck my tongue out at her for. She rolls her eyes, turning back to the piano.

Olivia asked her if she could play any of her husband's band's songs on the piano. She nods to my surprise, finding the keys to play one. When she found the keys, the sound of the gentle notes filled the room as she played Centuries.

I clapped sarcastically, which made her and Olivia laugh.

After a while, Elisa suggested we watch a movie. I could tell Olivia looked excited as I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave, and as Elisabeth started the movie.

The watched The Lion King, and Olivia was surprised at how good the popcorn was. She told me she never got to watch much movies, mainly because her 'father' would kick her or hit her if she tried watching a movie with him.

I let her snuggle up beside me as her father. Elisabeth was on the other side of her with her arm tangled around us two.

Finally, after the movie ended, she put herself to bed. It was around 10:30, which was way later than I wanted her to stay up on a school night, but I suppose one night couldn't hurt. My wife kissed her forehead. "Night."

"Night," Olivia looked at me and Elisabeth, a gentle smile tugging at her lips. I flicked off the lights, walking out of the room and closing the door.

When me and Elisabeth were alone, I gave her a hug. "Holy smokes, Elisa. We have a daughter!"

My wife smiled brightly at me, her arms around my neck. "Will we have a son too?"

"No... you can't." His eyebrows knitted together, he added; "I mean, we can try at least. Let's wait til Olivia is a bit more comfortable, first." I kissed her cheek.

"Okay." She roamed into our bedroom with me following behind.

Olivia's POV

I heard Patrick and Elisabeth talking quietly after they left my room. I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but I soon heard the voices vanish.

I was left alone in this dark room, letting my thoughts take over.
What if my dad escapes? I turned in my bed. What if Elisabeth and Patrick didn't actually love me? Where will my dad end up? What will everyone at my school do about this? What if I woke up to this all being just a dream.. what if..

I was crying by this point. I decided to write those down in my Diary. I pulled it out from my note-bag, rummaging through it until I found it.

I opened it, going through the thoughts again and writing them down. After I finished, I close my Diary carefully, setting it in a drawer.

I'm so much more happy now. I crawl right back into bed, shuddering. I was so happy.
I hope this isn't just a dream.

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Where stories live. Discover now