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| Olivia's POV |

I was utterly terrified-- I didn't know who was speaking to me. All I desired was to be near Patrick and Elisabeth at the moment. The glow of the lights grew stronger as the door cracked open. A silhouette of a man crept closer to me. I didn't see his face well but it was quite unfamiliar. However, I didn't give much of a care because all my thoughts were rummaging for was the hope that he was a cop.
Seconds later, I had changed my mind. My father appeared behind the guy, a smirk planting itself across his ugly face.

"Did you knock all of them out, James?" The guy whispered.

"Yup. Nice work, Connor."

Connor. I was too busy to be thinking about who the hell that was. My heart felt like leaping out of my chest-- my soul wanted it's own summer break from how I'd compare my school to my dad. Slowly, the Connor man crept closer to me until I could feel his hot breath puff lightly against my face. Then, he reached out and whacked me. My father behind him didn't put any effort into stifling his obnoxious laugh. "Should we cut her in half so we have two of her to work for us?"

I could tell my father was a lot more drunk today than ever. This whole closet smelled of drugs. My heart only longed for Patrick and Elisabeth.
Connor snorted. "Are you stupid? We should make her take drugs."

James laughed. "Nice idea. Pull her out." Both men dragged me from the closet into the light. Everywhere, I saw policemen laying frozen on the floor. No blood covered them, thankfully, and something in my heart told me they weren't dead. Dear Lord, please wake them up and make them give these crazy guys the death penalty.

The men took progress into shoving things in my mouth, including sharp objects that allowed my jaw bleed. They both only laugh at my whimpers, beating me to what it felt like the bone. Tears poured down my pained face that Patrick had once called beautiful. I really do deserve this, though.
I remembered the day Elisa brought me to her house.
Patrick and his wife were so warm and welcoming. I had practically met his whole family, who all accepted me. I remember Patrick telling me he was adopted, and that he couldn't have kids with Elisabeth no matter how hard he tried. He thought he was useless. I am his only kid.

My heart burned with these thoughts. I kept swallowing more and more things until my throat itched and I felt delusional. Suddenly, I blacked out emotionlessly. The image of black was the only thing I appeared to see. I suppose I'm dead.

| Patrick's POV |

I have been hurting-- I haven't been able to stop hurting. All I could think about was the note, and the last time I saw Olivia's precious face. I mopped my crystal-like tears as my beloved wife came in. "Darling..." I breathed, staring up at her lovingly.

Elisabeth crouched down beside me, handing me a cup of tea. "Baby..."
I drank all of the tea in seconds, my mind full of stress and discomfort. She took the cup from me and pecked my lips. "It'll be okay."

She looked convinced, but her voice didn't sound at all convinced. She thinks what I think. Olivia's gone. Patrick didn't know for sure- nobody did. Elisabeth got up to refill her husband's cup with tea again to soothe his mind.

Patrick curled up into a ball and wrapped his arms around his legs, bringing his chin to his knees. He rocked, his eyes red. "Olivia..." He croaked, imagining his daughter next to him.
Elisabeth came in several heartbeats later and handed him the cup again. Patrick chugged it as Elisabeth began to warn him about chugging it.
"Patrick!" She scolded. "You'll throw up! This tea is meant to calm you down."

"You need f--king some tea of your own you f-" Patrick couldn't finish his bitter statement before his stomach felt like it flipped. He ran to the sink and coughed up stomach bile and tea. Elisabeth shook her head, turning her head away.

Patrick began to sob again after he finished, wiping his mouth with a paper towel. He tossed it in the trash and curled up beside his wife, shuddering.

Elisabeth blinked a few times, her heart burning and aching. She leaned against Patrick, feeling him tremble against her. Patrick always wanted to be a father. He only wanted one little daughter. After he received one, it felt like his own blood child. Now, she's unknown to be found.

Elisabeth stood up, planting a kiss on Patrick's forehead. "I'm going to take a shower."

Patrick sniffed. "I might need one of those too."

"I know you're not feeling well, so you must take one after me." Elisabeth patted his back gently. "Unless you'd like to go first."

Patrick shook his head. "You go, darling." His voice was unusually dry and trembly. Elisa stepped back into the bathroom, keeping her loving gaze on Patrick until she closed the door.

Patrick felt selfish. He loved his wife more than anything almost. But Olivia meant so much to him as well. He wiped up his tears, crawling off the couch. I'll apologize to her. Slowly, he trudged to the door and brought his fist up to knock.
Something else came to his attention. The window was opening very slowly in the corner of his eye. Patrick turned around, letting out a gasp. A black figure stood out the window, and he guessed it was staring at him. He froze, not knowing what to do. He heard his wife's shower start as the shadow crept closer.

Soon, it revealed the one and only James Morten.

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Where stories live. Discover now