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What happened this morning was all still processing through my head.
We do. We love you. That's what Elisa and Patrick had said to me. I have never indeed felt so loved.

After school, Elisa decided to drive me to her house. I was excited at this thought since I had never really been to a celebrity's house before, or really, anyone's house. To my greatest relief, Patrick agreed, and after school, they lead me to their car.
I sat in the back seat, buckling up as Elisa and Patrick jumped into the front. I spot their hands clutch together while Patrick put his other hand on the steering-wheel. He turned to me. "Hungry?"

I nod quickly. "Y-Yes. I haven't aten today."

"Why not? Not even at lunch?" Patrick listened to both his wife and I as she buckled in her seatbelt.

"No..." I fail to meet Patrick's gaze, only switching that stare to the car floor which had not really anything more interesting than Patrick to look at.

Patrick had a look in his eyes that made me believe that he knew what was going on. He let go of Elisa's hand. He buckled in his own seatbelt, turning away from me and starting his car. The engine roared as I slowly brought my gaze back up to the front of the car.

I was baffled, but I didn't say anything, as I was lost in speech. I adjusted the beanie on my head and looked out the window, watching buildings and trees fly by. I often saw Patrick glance every-now-and-then at me. I would just smile, not willing to allow his brain to travel to the path of anxiety about a kid like me.

We pulled into this place called Subway.
I've never tried fast-food, mainly because my dad would give me the same food every day.
I only ate the same three things my entire life: bread, pretzels, and rice.

I was sick of it since I was five. My dad rarely fed me, which made me skinny for a while.
He also gave me beer and water. More beer than water, which I also hated. My body was pretty much ruined, and I felt very unhealthy.

The only other time I've had stuff was at school. I never had money for school lunches, but one of the lunch-ladies offered to give me a free-lunch since my dad refused to give me money.

It was very kind of her, indeed. I didn't get as much foods as the other kids, but I had tried these things before:
Oranges, cookies, burritos, and some other things I can't list from the top of my head.

Patrick and Elisabeth helped me out of the car, and we walked into this new place. People gave me stares. I don't know what they were looking at, but it made me sad. I already knew that I was being judged.

Patrick seemed to notice, too. He took my arm in his hand and gently pulled me to the counter, close to his own body. He smiled at the cashier. "One meatball sub, half a foot?"

The guy began to make it, and after Elisabeth ordered, he returned his gaze to me, asking what I wanted. I gaze at the menu; there were so many things.

I didn't want a sub, because it was just bread with few other things in it. My gaze trailed off to the salad-section. I looked at Patrick. "Can I get a salad?"

"Yes! You can get anything, hon." He ordered a salad for me.
"Anything else?" The guy asked after finishing up our orders.

"Water... and maybe some chips?" I exchanged a look with Patrick, who then focused on giving te orders to the guy. He filled the cup with water, then gave me a yellow pack of chips. I tried chips, once, but the taste is hard to remember.

Patrick took our food after he paid, and set it down at a table. He got three chairs so we can sit down. Elisa sat beside me, so I was in between her and Patrick. I open my salad, taking a fork and eating. I beamed. This was good, especially with the ranch on it.

"Thank you," I glanced at them both, side to side. I felt like a truly meant it this time, though I was still shaken that they had formerly said that they care for me.

"Anytime." Elisabeth and Patrick both said, eating as well.

"So," Patrick said out of the blue: "What kind of music do you like?"

I titled my head, shoveling more food into my mouth. "Alternative, mainly your music. I like the band, a lot. I was pretty shocked when I met you."

Patrick looked flattered. "I'm humbled."

A blush of embarrassment rose to my cheeks. "I also really like My Chemical Romance, and your solo albums."

Patrick couldn't stop his grin. "That's nice to know." He looked at Elisabeth with a cute smile on his face, as if to tell her; Hey! Someone likes Soul Punk!

Elisabeth smiled back. "How's the food?" She asked me.

"G-Good.. much better than the cafeteria food." I didn't tell them about how I was only fed three foods ever so rarely by my... 'dad.'

After we finished eating, we went back to the car and drove to their house. It was sorta dark outside, just a perfect time for the sun to be trailing behind it's neighbour; the mountains.
I stroll out and stretch, soon traveling behind Patrick and Elisabeth. Patrick unlocked the door with his key.

"This place is big," I step around, almost able to forget that this was Patrick Stump's house.

Patrick chuckles. "You want to watch some tv while I get your room ready?" Your room...- my room?

Are they going to adopt me? My heart skipped a beat, and the only thing I could do is nod. "Am I staying here for tonight?"

Patrick walked away without answering. He strolled into a hall-way, past to where I could see. Elisabeth trailed behind him.

I just flipped on the tv, my eyes darting curiously around the room. I didn't pay any attention to the details the tv was giving, until they mentioned a familiar name. I sat up rather quick and stared at the tv, my pupils shrinking with disbelief.

"--Today, wanted James Morten, has been arrested. He was found hiding in the alleyways, avoiding his problems of abusing his only child."

I didn't even listen to anything else. Instead, I clicked the off button on the tv, standing there, staring at the blank tv screen. My dad is arrested! I'm safe.

But I remembered how skilled he was in opening bars/anything else. My heart shrank, and I went over to the house-phone to warn them, right before Patrick came out of the door with Elisa.

"It's ready," Patrick stepped out of the room, gazing at me.
I snapped my hand back from the phone, losing my train of thought. I rushed in to the room, the details still rummaging through my brain.

The room was a light gray color, and there were blinds on the windows, currently open so you could view the sunset. In the corner was a turquoise bed with a white bed-frame. There were several small paintings in the room, and a small laptop on a very detailed desk that curved into a dresser.

Patrick followed me in the room, pointing at the laptop. "You're free to use that."

My heart skipped another beat. Just right above the bed, there was a few lit up words. How did I not notice this before? I step closer, making out the words that said Olivia's room. I turn to Patrick and his wife, my eyes wide.

"Would you like to be our daughter?"

Adopted by Patrick Stump ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum