"I'd rather be back in B having lunch with your mother or at least Marzia."

"Yes, her and her cloud of cigarette smoke." Elio chuckled.

"Which one? They both smoke heavily."

"Good point, oh by the way I got an email from Marzia she wants to come visit, her husband is driving her insane and with both kids gone off to school she's going crazy."

"That's fantastic news."

"What who is this Marzia?" Michael asked intriguing.

"Marzia is one of my dearest and oldest friends."

"And the only women you ever considered marrying." Oliver spoke up giving Elio a cheeky smile.

"That's the pot call it the kettle black." Elio laughs smacking Oliver on the arm.

"Elio you almost married a woman?" Arty spoke before Micheal which was a feat in its own.

"I considered it, but she wouldn't have me after summer. I mean we continued to sleep together but she wouldn't marry me."

"Wait! I thought you and Marzia only slept together those few time?" Oliver gasps grabbing Elios arm in shock.

"No, we slept together up until she met Armond, then we slowly stopped because she fell in love. You don't know everything Oliver."

"Oh honey, this just turned into a soap opera." Michael whispered to Arty. The front door slammed shut, they heard thumping footsteps running up the stairs.

"One of our children is home."

"Probably Christopher, Jonas at Tyler's for band practice he's going to be home by 3."

"What would I do without you?" Oliver kissed Elios hand.

"You would forget everything including yourself."
Christopher and Jude walked into the backyard smiling.

"The favorite son is home and he's starving! Hey Michael, Hey Arty!" Christopher flopped down his his chair, he began shoveling food onto his plate.

"Hey Mr. A, hi Mr. P, hope you don't mind I'm joining you for lunch." Jude blushed.

"Jude you stopped being a guest in our house when you were 8 years old and you had no intention of going home. I legitimately heard you two talking about how you could get us to adopt you. I swear I thought I was going to have to call his parents and beg them to take him back." Oliver howeled.

"See Mr. A you act like it's a terrible thing that I'm always here, I'm the son you never had."

"Jude, I have two son's."

"Alright fine I'm the son Mr. P never had."

"In the time I've known you, I think I'm good, Jude. Your parents will never worry about us taking them from you." Elio said with a straight face, well somewhat of a straight face.

"Dude, Mr. P no love. Christopher your parents are harsh."

"What are you talking about my parents are amazing. By the way dad I plugged your phone in, sorry for staying out it was to late."

"That's fine, I'm just glad you called. I would have hated to call Jude's parents and worry them." Oliver said taking a sip of his drink. Quick glances were made between Jude and Christopher.

"Yeah no reason to do that Dad, Jude just went to meet a girl and she stood him up."

"Dude, that's not what happened!" Jude got offended.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now