
"Let's go!!" Harper took my hand and almost dragged me out to the track infront of the school. He had almost had to dress me because I was ' going to slow' Once the last bell had rung he had handed me a white t shirt and red shorts. I didn't like the outfit that much but I took it either way.  Harper stopped infront of a man and told him our names. I couldn't help but notice that his eyes roamed over me before he pointed towards where other people were lining up to run an 800m dash. Harper somehow didn't notice.I sighed as I followed them to the starting line.
"I'm guessing you already know what to do and what formation to go into right?" The coach gestured towards everyone. I nodded and got into line with the others. Harper grinned at me before taking his place on the other side of the line. I knelt down and prepared myself since I don't need to stretch anymore. There were people sitting on the bleachers and some were even standing around the fence surrounding the track.
"On your marks. Get set. GO!" The sound of a pistol cracked in the air and everyone launched themselves forward. We just had to do two laps around so I think I'll be fine for my first try-out. My feet seemed to propel on their own, making me feel like a giselle as I flew by everyone. Kyle, the fastest one here, stared at me in shock as I passed him and sped up even more. My speed didn't slow down as I started my second lap, everyone far behind. People on the sidelines stared in awe, not believing that their best runner just got outrun.  I skidded to a stop at the finish line not even out of breath, but some sweat running down my face.  The coach that ogled me earlier gaped at me in awe, obviously not ever seen a girl like me before. Harper halted right next to me, grinning.

"Good job babe." He raised a hand for a high five,but seeming to think twice about it dropped the hand and leaned down to give me a full on kiss. I smiled against his lips before pulling back, knowing well things would get heated infront of all of these people.

"They're dating?" Whispers started to rise as we walked towards the gates.
"Omg they're so cute!!"
"Ew, they don't look good together."
"Dang a footbal jock and a track athlete. What else is she a cheerleader?"
That last comment made me think about trying to be a cheerleader. Maybe I should try for that too. As we neared the gate I head some type of scuffle and turned around in Harper's arm. He turned around with me to see a couple of girls arguing. People were already starting to crowd around them, probably eager for a fight.  One of them finally swung at the other and soon they were fighting like wild animals. They can't even land in a direct punch. 

"Should I interfere?" I looked up at Harper who stared down at me. Slowly a grin formed on his face.

"Yes, show them what you're made of hot stuff." He let go of my shoulder and followed me as we walked towards them. I pushed through people, receiving a few' watch it's' as I did. These humans are as stubborn as mules! I mean I'm stubbon too, but yeah, point taken. 

"Move out of my way!" I yelled in my Alpha tone. Everyone infront of me moved so I could go through. Putting on a closed smile I marched toward the girls who were fighting and grabbed their hair. Shrieks flew out of their mouths as I dragged them apart from each other.

" Let go of my hair whore!" The one in my left hand screeched and clawed at my hand. I let go both of them but once released they launched themselves at each other again.

"Enough!" I growled, pushing their chests to make them back off. They glared at me but didn't move.  " You guys fighting skills aren't that good so why fight in front of everyone? Do you want to make fools of yourselves?" I barked at them.

"Who are you freak? You're no one to tell us that. I bet you don't even know how to fight." The girl that looked like a fake barbie doll spat. Without another word I had her pinned on the ground." Get off me!!" She screeched as she strained to get off my hold, but my grip just tightened until she cried out in pain.

" Call me a freak again and I will have you end up -in the hospital" I whispered in her ear before climbing off her back. I turned to the other girl who stared at me with wide eyes." You. Don't go looking for fights you know you can't win honey. It won't end pretty for you.Especially if you get involved with plastic barbie over here." I smiled at the girl before walking off to Harper, leaving people with their mouths hanging open. The shy and useless girl they had known before just turned into scary, powerful  girl. 
"That's my girl.!" Harper hooted really loud, making me blush when people turned towards us. "Awe come on I get to show you off whenever I want to." He brushed stray hair out of my face, making me look into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Give me your hoodie" I suddenly said. It somehow felt colder.

"Why?" He eyed me skeptically as if I'm going to do someting with it.

"Just give it to me." I held my hand out and waited. He put it in my hand but still eyed me carefully. With a grin I pulled it over my head, letting it fall to my tighs."It's mine now." I grinned up at his shocked face.

" You better give it back to me." He tugged at the collar, revealing the  Hickeys on my neck. I didn't pull it back since humans should know that I'm taken.

"Hell no. It's now mine. You hear me. M-I-N-E" I smirked and walked faster towards his jeep. 
"You're going to be the death of me Aria" I hear him mutter as he caught up to me. A shiver went down my spine at his voice. How is it possible for his voice to sound that sexy? Actually everything about him turns me on.

~Aria!!!~ David's mindlink entered my train of thoughts, snapping me back to life.
~What is it David?~I mindlinked back, shooting Harper a confused glance. He looked just as confused as me.

~Get back to the pack right now!!! You are in so much danger right now!!~ His voice sounded frantic, almost fearful.

~I'll get her back as fast as I can~ Harper mindlinked before he sped out of the school. What the hell is going on?

Hey readers! Sorry for those few of you who read this story. I know it took me so long to update, sorry!! But I was thinking about wrtiting a new story similar to this except wayyyy different.I'm still planning though. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! :)


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