Chapter 2

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I don't know how much time passed , but at some point my legs started to give out, forcing me to stop and catch my breath. I spotted a big oak tree that looked really old and went and sat at its trunk. I pulled out a water bottle and chugged it. I didn't even know I can walk that much, I've always managed to skip gym class. I smiled, I wouldn't have to deal with kids throwing balls at my head anymore. I may have caused a big scandal, that is if my parents even noticed, and might be in big trouble if I'm found but it'll be worth it. I don't think I would have been able to stand another month let alone a week of the constant abuse. 
The sound of leaves rustling broke me out of my thoughts. I looked around warily, hoping that nothing springs out at me. A twig snapped and without a second thought I grabbed my backpack and sprinted towards the creek that was farther out. I heard a growl behind me and I almost peed my pants. I can't die. No not yet. I screamed as I tripped on a rock and almost face planted into the water in front of me. I braced for the fall but an arm grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me back. I slammed into a rock hard chest and I immediatley panicked. I wiggled around  trying to break free and kicked their shin.  A man grunted and let me go, causing me to fall onto my butt. I looked up at him, seeing shockingly bright green eyes, paired with the fiery red hair.

"Are you lost? You trespassed into my land." He growled, attempting to look intimidating. He walked towards me and  I didn't move in fear, already bracing myself for him to hit me .I didn't dare look him in the eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you. Trust me. But I need you to answer me alright?" I glanced over to the side, trying to look for an escape plan. I didn't mean to trespass into his property, I didn't even know I had left pack land yet. My nerves grew as I saw a large hoard of wolves emerging from the trees around us. Seeing my panicked look the redhead raised his hand, signaling them to stop.

"I'm Javier Beckett, Alpha of Greyson Pack. I don't know what pack you came from but I know for sure you're not in free territory now. "He ran his hand through his red hair as he let a breath whoosh out. His hair seems to look natural, it doesn't look dyed. " I'll make you an offer. If you speak to me and answer my questions I'll let you stay in my pack for a while until we figure out what to do. Deal?" He stuck out a huge hand in front of me. I stared at it for a minute, contemplating my choices. I could stay here with him, where I'll probably be safe and hopefully be treated right. Or I could go back and start back up with the same bullshit as before. I don't want to risk going back to the same treatment, but I don't know this pack's customs. I'll just have to risk it all and stay here. I have nothing to loose anymore  after all. Taking a deep breath I slowly reached out and took his hand. He grinned widely and shook it. I let go and backed up a bit and waited.

"Why are you here?" Was his first question. I knew he was going to ask that.

"I ran away from my pack." I said, making him blink. He stayed silent for a moment, seeming entranced for a moment, before shaking his head.

"Why did you run away? ?"
"I didn't feel like I belonged there." I stopped , and glanced at his face. He looked genuinely concerned.
"Would you like to join my pack? I'm sure everyone would make you feel welcome." Without waiting for my answer he turned towards the wolves surrounding us and gestured towards me. "I know this is very short notice but  Please welcome our new pack member, Umm what's your name?"

"Aria. " He stared back at me expectantly. "Butler. Aria Butler." As soon as the words left my mouth everyone paled.
"You're the daughter of Owen and Stella Butler? They're pretty much the third most powerful pack around here." Javier ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "They must have screwed up big time to make you run away. But you're still welcome to stay with us. "I grinned for the first time in a long time. It felt weird feeling my lips stretch upwards. But still good. I really do hope that my past doesn't get repeated here.

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