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Before the start,

All that was there was a blank canvass.

It waited patiently for the artist

To pick up her brush and begin

Slowly and tenderly to awaken her craft…

To be displayed out in the world.


At the start,

She was momentarily lost in her mind

She did not know where and how to begin

A memory she conjured up

To try and transfer it onto the canvass…

To be displayed out in the world.


In the middle,

She had begun working furiously

With each stroke a feeling of release

As the colours clashed before her -

It shaped up be a story that began to take form…

To be displayed out in the world.


Near the end,

She paid attention to the little details

With black paint she outlined the figures –

To make them stand out from the grey background

Where all her troubles were blended in…

To be displayed out in the world.


At the end,

She was relieved to have done it

All her problems on the canvass made her feel giddy.

A match she then bought out and struck

And tossed it onto the painting to watch it burn

And with it all her problems…

That used to be displayed out in the world.


Just experimenting with a different form and rhythm of poetry as always haha.

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