Flashing lights

190 11 2

Drunken hollers

Faces drained of colour

Sober screams

Wishing it was just a dream

Midnight tears

Open-wounded fears

Another kilometre

The speed runs faster

Voices boom

To stop an oncoming doom

A faint light by afar

Witnessed by all encased in the car

The horn sounds

And tires screech on the ground

The vehicle jitters -

They were facing the worst of their fears

The pitch dark of the night -

Eradicated by the oncoming flashing lights

Blood seeps

Waiting for their families to weep


This was inspired by a short story I read right here on Wattpad titled "I am the moon" by @curiousraccoon. I suggest you lovely people should check it out!

And I’m sure the message here speaks for itself.

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