I know.

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I know you don’t feel beautiful anymore

Words of fake reassurance don’t compensate no more

How do I convince you otherwise?

How can I stop the tears falling from your eyes?

I don’t know how to fix something so broken…

I know that you are filled with despair and not of hope

I see the tempting glances when you eye that rope

Tell me, how can I ease the pain?

How can I comfort you once again?

I don’t know how to tame something so distort…

But I do know,

That you can count on me being there for you

I can offer you a helping hand or two

I can catch you before you can fall down once more

And protect you from the demons hidden behind the door

Please help me help you.


Hello my lovely people.

This may not be the most delicate or intricately written poem, but it is that of importance. The poem is dedicated to those people who stuck by their friend, family member or anyone else when they were struggling or finding it hard to cope with their daily lives. This is not an easy task. Someone’s sullen mood can drag yours down too. I just wanted to acknowledge how your support affect them and might ultimately be the reason that they are still alive today.

Rock on.

~S :)

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