Chapter 21 - Not Again

Start from the beginning

"I am glad you said the beach because I planned that for us. It is secluded and private, so it will just be us. Besides, we only packed enough to last us through today. And we stayed in today, So we'll go shopping and then head to the beach."

"I really have enjoyed the time we spent together in the Virgin Islands - getting married to the man of my dreams, the amazing sex. I wish it didn't have to end. But I know we must go back. I'm glad I took the rest of the week off. I don't go back to work until next Tuesday. And, I thought we could have dinner on Saturday with our families and tell them that we are married."

"How would you like to adopt Dia and Rocco? And, before you say it, yes, I want you to. It would mean a lot to me."

"I would love to adopt Dia and Rocco. They are precious to me. I would do anything for them. Thank you, gorgeous."

Cris looked over and noticed I had tears in my eyes. "We are a team, sweetheart. What's yours is mine. And mine is yours. While we are talking about kids, how about house hunting? I have a feeling our family will be expanding soon. After this week, I believe we will have a little one soon."

"I hope so. Spending time with Dia and Rocco increases my desire to start having our kids. I just hope my Diabetes and Asthma do not interfere with me becoming pregnant."

Cris gave me a peck on my forehead. "Well, I can't wait to see you pregnant with our babies. The mood swings, late-night cravings, and belly rubs - I am looking forward to it. I was there with Alicia. Most definitely, I will be there for you. We will make it through your pregnancy together. Now, let's order room service for dinner."

"Sounds good to me."


*Meanwhile, in another part of the island.*

Chase's POV

I looked at my watch to see that it was after 11 pm. Dang.

"I knew Cris would not bring his sexy wife here. Smart move, Cris. But there will be other opportunities. I know where you live and where your club is. Count on it."


*The next day - Tuesday*

Kamea's POV

After I got in the shower and changed into my black yoga pants and purple tank top, I went over to Cris.

"Hey Tiger, can you give me my shot of insulin? I am off my daily routine of exercise. I want to go to the gym in the hotel."

"Sure. Let's go to the kitchen."

We went downstairs to the kitchen, and Cris gave me my shot. "Ouch." I flinch every time I get that shot. "Thanks."

"Why leave the room when you can get your exercise here?"

"Boy, please. Besides, let's save it for the secluded beach."

"I'll come down in a few and join you at the gym after I take my shower."

"Okay, gorgeous. See you soon."

I left our room and made my way to the elevator. As I pressed the button to go down, I heard a room door close. I didn't bother to turn around because I already knew who it was.

"Ugh, how convenient." If Chase tries anything, I'm going to hurt him.

"Good morning. Kamea, is it?"

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