The End?

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I was later scared awake by Yuri. She sounded like she was struggling. I got up and looked at her. She was crying in pain while holding on to an imaginary object on her chest, right over her heart.


"Danny, it hurts..."

I tried to grab the object with her, just like I did with Monika. I was sure I wouldn't be able to do anything, but I couldn't just sit there and watch my girlfriend struggle.

I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to be grabbing, though.

"What does it feel like," I anxiously asked.

"It's like something's piercing my chest."

I couldn't see anything, but the way she was gripping on the object reminded me of something. My mind started to form the image, but I didn't want to see it. I kept my focus on trying to help Yuri, even if that wasn't possible.

There was no point in trying to remove whatever was there, since it was impossible. Instead, I tried to hold her hand and comfort her, but I just phased through her. Nonetheless, I did the best I could.

After a couple of minutes of trying to remove the imaginary object, Yuri's breathing finally started to slow.

It then came to a halt. The computer screen returned to normal.

Memories of what happened to Monika immediately went through my mind. I didn't want to remember, but my mind forced me to. At least I knew more of what was going on, otherwise I'd be freaking out at this point. I could do my best to stay calm and let time do it's thing.

Yes... stay calm.

Stay calm.

Remaining in a state of relaxation.


But I couldn't. I tried holding Yuri's hand again. I knew that I would be cold, but my mind still felt surprised. I hugged Yuri and let the tears flow down my cheeks. I already knew that she'd be alright in the end, but I couldn't take the fact that she was leaving. I loved Yuri.

I let her go and wiped the tears from my cheeks and eyes. I did my best to control my breathing and calm down. This time, I was able to.

I lied next to Yuri and hugged her lifeless body. Knowing that she was temporarily dead still made me feel uneasy, even though I knew that she'd be back in a bit. The computer still needed to take her.

Even with the uneasy feelings, I still felt myself becoming tired. My mind didn't feel overwhelmed, I just felt a little uncomfortable. I sometimes can't even understand what I'm feeling.

I allowed myself to rest, but I didn't fall asleep. I didn't want to. I wanted to make sure that I could see Yuri one last time before she was finally taken away.

After what felt like hours of just lying there, the computer made an odd sound. It was similar to the one I heard earlier, but it wasn't as loud. The computer screen started to distort again.

I looked at Yuri. Her eyes were just barely open. She slowly turned to me.



I attempted to her hug her, but I just phased through her. I just looked at her and smiled at her instead.

"I want you to know that I love you." I sighed. "But the computer is gonna take you back very soon. I don't know when, but right now, I just wanna be here next to you."

I put my hand on hers, even though I couldn't physically feel it.

"Danny, I love you too. I may have not been around for very long, but I enjoyed every moment we spent together. I don't know where I'm going, but I promise I'll never forget you. And who knows? Maybe we'll see each other again.

I looked at her and smiled. "I'm sure we will. Someday, I'll figure out way to bring you back."

I suddenly noticed her feet disappearing. It slowly started to spread throughout the rest of her body. She was slowly turning into a bunch of little pieces, just like Monika did.


She slowly looked down the rest of her body. "I think I'm being taken back."

A tear fell down my cheek. "I think so too. You'll always be in my heart Yuri. We'll see each other again someday. I won't rest until I find a way to bring you back."

She just smiled at me. I think she may have nodded also, but it was very subtle. Even though I felt like breaking down into tears, I held my smile for Yuri. I held it there until the last part of her disappeared.

The little pixels slowly flew into the computer. I sat at the computer and waited for all of them to be taken. After a few minutes, the last pixel entered. I expected to see Yuri one last time, but the whirlpool started closing right after.

It soon closed completely. Yuri never came back out. The screen returned to normal, with Monika sitting at her desk in the space room.

A program suddenly appeared in the dock of the iMac. I put the mouse over it. It had the Doki Doki Literature Club logo, but it was just called "After Story."

After a couple of seconds, it opened. It was a black screen with two options


Of course, whichever I chose didn't matter now. They were both in the computer. Yuri's files must've somehow made their way into Monika After Story.

I clicked Yuri, out of curiosity. The game suddenly showed Yuri in the space room. I had never seen her like this before, so the game must've somehow created a sprite for her.

"Welcome back Dann-"

The music stopped. It actually looked like the game froze. I guess it couldn't handle having Yuri in it just yet. I'm sure with a bit of adjustments, I could make it work.

The game soon crashed, so I opened it again. Both options were still there, but this time, I selected Monika.

The game started up like it normally should. Everything seemed alright.

"Danny, you're bac-"

Music and game stopped again. After a couple of seconds, the game crashed. I wanted to somehow try to fix it, but I didn't really feel up to it at the moment. After today's events, I felt really sad and drained, not much in a working mood.

I'll go ahead and try to fix it after a nap. My body felt like it desperately needed the rest.

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