Not Much Of A Surprise

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I woke up with a gasp. Hitting the wall at such a high speed made my heart beat extremely quickly. Or was it the struggle of picking one of the two girls? Either way, my heart was racing, and it seemed to do the trick on waking me up.

I sat up and checked on Yuri. She was still asleep. I attempted to wake her up.

Just like I suspected, she didn't. At this point, I would've been cutting myself and wishing that my girlfriend would come back. But I already knew the outcome. There was no need to think of suicidal thoughts if she was just gonna come back later on today. I just gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed to my brothers room to get me some clothes so that I could shower.

After I showered and got ready, I went to check up on Yuri again. She was still "sleeping." But I still felt a little uneasy...

Even though I knew she'd be back, it was weird seeing her as what seemed like a lifeless being. I actually started to feel like panicking. It was like I looking at my girlfriend in her deathbed. No matter what I tried to do, she wouldn't wake up. It was pretty much like she was dead.

I grabbed the knife on my dresser. Thoughts went through my head as the knife slowly went through my skin. I slowly slit my arm, causing a cut that was somewhat deep. As I was about to make another, I felt something pull me back.

But there was no one there.

It was like a feeling of shock went through my mind and into my arm, making sure I didn't make another cut. A sense of security came afterwards. I started to feel calm.

Yuri's gonna be alright. She's not dead, she'll be back before I know it.

That wasn't the only thing that ran through my mind though.

Monika's gonna be alright. She's not dead, she'll be back before I know it.

But why did I feel that way? It didn't make sense. I knew she was dead. Well not necessarily dead, but she was gone. And she ain't coming back. She had a chance to come back, but Yuri came out of the computer instead. Why? Why did that happen?

Whatever it was, I felt a sense of security towards both of them. Of course, I'd do anything to protect Yuri since she was with me now, but if Monika was around, then I'd protect her too. I care for them both. Hopefully, I don't only need to choose one.

I approached Yuri as she slept. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before heading to the living room. I turned on the TV and watched "My Name is Earl" again.

But it felt I was holding myself back. I needed to go out and do something. I wasn't exactly sure what, but I needed to do something. I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I drove to the park and went to the secluded spot by the pond. I don't know why I decided to go there, but for some reason it felt like I would be doing more there than sitting at home and watching TV.

Yeah. I'm gonna go to the park so I can sit and think instead of sitting at home and watching TV. It didn't make much sense to me. Either way, I was sitting and doing pretty much nothing. Aren't I still holding myself back?

Nonetheless, I headed there anyway. It just felt better.

Once I got there, I sat on the bench and stared at the water. What was I gonna think about today?

Hmm... okay, I think I got it. Let's think about... Yuri. No, Monika. Okay no, I got it.

Am I obsessed with them? Why am I thinking of them so much... is that weird? Agh! Come on Danny, this thinking isn't supposed to stress you out, it's supposed to help you find answers!


"Hey, is everything alright over there," a voice shouted.

"Uh, yeah! Sorry!"

The voice didn't respond. I guess they left. Ah but honestly, I didn't want to be in the park anymore. I felt so weird, it was like my mind wanted to be everywhere at once, but no where at all. It was contradicting itself.

Whatever, I'll just go home and go back to bed. I'm probably just freaking out because Yuri was dea- I mean sleeping.

I headed back to my car and drove back home. When I got there, I went into the guest room and lied in the bed next to Yuri. She was in the same position as before, which was to be expected. I carefully moved closer to her and hugged her. The comfort immediately took me, causing me to feel sleepy.

Well kind of. I felt like I was hugging a dead person... even though her body still gave off the warmth and feeling of someone who was living. It was odd, but I did my best to fall asleep anyways.

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