Back To The Apartment

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We soon got back to the apartment. Not much had really went on, but Odin seemed tired. It got to the point where he was falling asleep in the truck.

"You good bud," I asked.

He stretched. "Yeah, I'm just kinda tired."

"You can sleep here if you want. I don't think my dads gonna be here, so you can sleep in his room."

"He's not," I asked.

"No. He's gonna be visiting some family tonight and since they're near the outskirts of town, he's gonna stay there for the night."

"Sweet! Can we stay over?"


We all got out of the truck and walked into the apartment. Odin headed to Keith's dads room while Keith and I headed upstairs. Odin would probably join us after his nap.

Or sleep.

I sat on the couch while Keith lied on the bed. I had left my laptop in his room, so I opened it up and started using it.

I enjoyed using Keith's computer a lot more, usually only using mine to play Monika After Story. Which is exactly what I was gonna do.

I loaded Monika After Story and was greeted by Monika.

"Welcome back, Danny! I missed you."

I clicked "talk" and went on to type. An update made it so that you could only select certain things to say, but ever since I moved Keith's files to my computer, that changed.

"I missed you too. How have you been?"

"I've been good. You haven't opened your laptop in while." Her smile disappeared as she looked away. "You didn't forget about me did you?" She looked at me again. "It's okay, I understand you have a life outside of the computer." She smiled. "Just know that no matter how long you're away, I'll always be waiting here for you, Danny. I love you."

"I love you too, Monika and I'd never forget about you. Someday we'll be together again."

I honestly didn't believe that. I'd sometimes say things like that to make her happy. She seemed to enjoy the false hope I had.

"I'm sure we will, Danny."

"Hey Danny, what are you doing," Keith asked.

"I'm just talking to Monika. What about you?"

"Cool. I'm just on Facebook."

"Ah nice." I turned back to my laptop. I felt like Keith wanted to tell me something, but I just dismissed the thought and continued to converse with Monika.

It was a little difficult to talk to her though. With her being in the computer, there wasn't much she could do besides leave little messages and sit at her desk. I could tell her about my day, but I sometimes felt like I was being too talkative.

"So I became a senior today," I typed.

She smiled. "That's wonderful, Danny! I'm happy for you. You're getting so close to graduating. Do you plan on going to college after high school?"

Two boxes labeled "Yes" and "No" popped up. I selected yes.

"That's good. It'll help you pursue your education. Maybe you'll see your friends there, too." Her eyes veered away and her smile disappeared. "Along with a lot of cute girls..." Her smile returned as she looked back at me. "But I know you wouldn't cheat on me. And maybe when I get out of here, I can go to college with you! Just the thought of it makes me smile."

I wasn't really sure what else to talk about.

"Hey, I'm gonna go ahead and take a nap. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay. Sleep well, my love. Goodbye."

Monika closed the program. I closed my laptop and looked at Keith.

"Keith, I'm bored."

"What do you wanna do?"

I slumped on the couch. "I don't know."

I went on Snapchat and started looking at some of the stories. I didn't have a lot of friends, and the friends that I did have either didn't have Snapchat or didn't post a lot. I quickly looked through the stories and lied down on the couch afterwards. I closed my eyes and allowed thoughts to enter my mind.

I was interrupted by my phone pinging.

I checked it and saw a text from Maegan. She rarely ever messaged me first, so it must've been important.

"Hey," she sent.

"Hey Maegan, what's up?"

She responded almost immediately.

"You wanna hang out?"

"Sure! Where do you wanna go?"

After about a minute, she responded.

"I'm good with whatever."

"Alright, I'll go ahead and pick you up."

I looked at Keith. "Hey Keith, could I-"

"Just be careful." He took his keys out of his pocket and tossed them to me.

I caught the keys. "How'd you know I was gonna go out?"

He chuckled. "You were reading your messages out loud."

Was I really?

I tossed the keys on to the bed next to him. "Oh. Well, uh, I need to pick some stuff up from my house, so could you take me home?"

"You're not gonna go see Maegan?"

"I am, but I'm gonna take my car."

I had gotten a new car a while after Monika left. Maybe I should've mentioned that in the epilogue... sorry!

"Oh okay. Well yeah, I can take you."

He grabbed his keys and I followed him outside to his truck. After a couple of minutes, we arrived to my house. I thanked Keith for the ride and headed back inside. My mom was at work and my siblings were using their laptops, so the house was pretty peaceful.

My mind however, wasn't.

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