Hospital Visit

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After a couple of minutes, we reached the hospital. The four of us went inside and asked about our mom. After giving the woman some details about our relationship to her, and calling Yuri my "girlfriend," we were taken to the room where my mom was staying. On the way, my sister questioned why I said what I did about Yuri, but I just dodged the question.

It probably wasn't necessary to call Yuri my girlfriend, but I felt like it was more believable than me just bringing a random a friend.

Or was it?

We entered my mom's room. My sister started to cry a little while my brother sat on a chair in the room. Yuri stood with me.

"Mom!" My sister shouted.

"Hi babies," my mom weakly said. She looked at Mike and then me, causing her to see Yuri.

"Oh, are you Danny's girlfriend," my mom asked. She must've assume that since Yuri was standing next to me. We were actually really close to each other.

Yuri played with her hair again, as if she was scripted to do that every time someone asked if we were dating.


"Yes! She's my girlfriend."

I don't know why I chose to tell my mom that, but I felt like it was the right thing to do.

"Aww how sweet. It's nice to meet you!"

Yuri seemed to be feeling shy, but she gave my mom a gentle smile. "It's nice to meet you, too."

My siblings gave me and odd look, but they didn't question it.

"Boys, come give mommy a hug. Don't be shy, I'm your mother."

Mike and I both went to our mom to give her a hug.

My mom started waving her hand to Yuri.

"You too, come give me a hug. If my son loves you, then I love you."

Yuri slowly came and hugged my mom with the rest of us. After the hug, my mom looked at Yuri.

"What's your name," she asked.

"I'm Yuri."

"Yuri," my mom asked, trying to confirm.


"Well hi Yuri, I'm Christina." My mom shook hands with Yuri.

"What did the doctor say," Mike asked.

My mom sighed. I could immediately tell that it was bad news.

"Yuri, could you stay outside with my sister real quick?"

"Oh, of course."

Yuri and my sister walked outside of the room. My brother and I stayed and stood next to our mom.

"The doctor said..." she started to tear up. "The doctor said that I may not live very long. They want to take me to another doctor in another state to see if they can help me."

I felt like tearing up. I could see it in Mike's face as well.

"Tomorrow at around 4:30, a lawyer is gonna come and explain the life insurance settlement in case I don't make it." She cried some more. "Just know that no matter what happens, I love you. And if I can't protect you, God will protect you. Stay strong for your sister and don't let anyone hurt any of you."

"I love you too, mom," Mike and I said.

We hugged our mom once more. Hopefully this wouldn't be the last time.

Our mom wiped her tears. "Call the girls, and tell them they can come in."

Mike called the girls back inside. My sister saw my mom crying and immediately ran to her to comfort her.

"Mom, is everything okay?"

"Yes sweetie, everything's fine."

Yuri didn't say anything. She just stood next to me. My sister cried with my mom for about a minute before a doctor walked in.

"Ma'am, the visitors need to leave, you have another operation coming up."

My sister let go of my mom.

"Well babies, mommy's gonna need to get another operation. I love you babies, please drive safely."

We gave our mom some last hugs and farewells before leaving. We were escorted out by one of the nurses and taken to the waiting room. From there we exited and went to my car. I drove the four of us back to my house.

When we got there, my siblings went inside and to their own rooms. I'm sure they either wanted to rest or be alone. Maybe both. I wanted to do the same, but I had to Yuri to watch over.

Yuri and I headed back to the guest room. I got on my phone and started looking through my friends snap stories. There weren't much, so I finished pretty quickly. After I finished, I noticed Yuri wasn't really doing much. She wasn't even reading. She seemed to be thinking.

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