The Park

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Once we got to the park, we started walking on the park trail for a bit. I led Yuri by the pond so that I could show her a spot that I liked. It was pretty secluded, since a bunch of trees started covering the trail a while back.

When we got to the pond, I helped Yuri through the trees, allowing her to reach the spot. We sat on the bench and she lied her head on my shoulder.

"I really appreciate you taking me here, Danny."

"I'm just glad to spend time with you, Yuri."

She gave me a shy smile as I gently held her hand. We looked around at the trees and the pond for a bit, just making our own observations.

"I like to hang around here sometimes and just think. It's a peaceful spot since the trees blocked the regular path that would lead here."

She smiled. "It does seem very peaceful. This is the kind of place I'd like to come to if I felt like relaxing and reading."

As she was speaking, I noticed she was also shivering. She may have had a sweater on, but I guess the cold weather was still getting to her. I took off my sweater and gently put it around her, but she kindly refused it.

"It's okay, I don't want you to feel cold."

"It's fine, I insist." I put the sweater around her again. She put her arms inside and wrapped it around her.

"Thank you," she quietly said.

I put my arm around her and looked at the rocks below us.

"Hey Yuri, have you ever skipped rocks? I had a friend show me once."

"No, I don't think so."

I picked up a flat rock from the ground. "Let's try it."

Yuri put my sweater on and approached the pond with me. I gently tossed the rock and watched as it plopped in the water.

Okay, so I didn't know how to-

Wait, have I seen this before? Must be some odd déjà vu... but it feels like more than that. I definitely remember this.

Ah well, it's probably nothing. If it mattered, I would've remembered it by now.

Okay, so I didn't know how to skip rocks. I saw my friend do it, but I never really learned how. I just watched him.

"Ah I'm not really all that good at this. You wanna give it a try?" I picked up a flat rock off the ground and handed it to her.

"Alright." She took the rock and tossed it, causing it to skip twice.

"Hey nice! You sure you haven't done this before?"

She giggled. "I'm sure I was just lucky."

"Ah nonsense, you're a natural!" I handed her another flat rock. "I bet you could do it again."

She took the rock and tossed it. It plopped into the water just like mine did.

"Well, your last throw was really good!"


We sat back down on the bench and looked at the pond some more. Yuri leaned her head on me while I leaned my head on hers.

I suddenly felt my heart stop. Not literally, but I felt a sudden burst of fear. Confusion as well, with a mix of surprise and concern. It wasn't something I felt very often, but it sure as hell felt familiar.

"Danny, are you okay?"

"Huh? Y-Yeah, I'm alright."

"You suddenly jumped, are you sure?"

"Of course. I'm just a little on edge is all. Maybe a little hyper or something."

"Huh, I honestly wouldn't have suspected that. You seemed so calm."

"Ah well, you know. Random urges and the like."


"Uh, I don't know. But uh, I think I'm just gonna rest."

I felt strangely tired after that sudden burst of feelings. I also felt like crying... although I'm not sure why. I lied my head on Yuri and adjusted myself into a comfortable position. It was kind of hard to do so on the bench, but I managed to anyway.

Well I thought I did. After I was about to fall asleep, a part of my body ached, causing me to move some more.

"You can lie on my legs if you want. I'm sure it would feel a lot more comfortable than my shoulders."

I nodded and lied my head on her thighs. She was right, it was a lot more comfortable. I adjusted myself and slowly fell asleep while Yuri played with my hair.

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