"Mom!" I cried out for my mom and ran into the kitchen.

"Charles, I'm flattered that you think I'm your mom but, I'm Aunt Margaret." My m- Aunt Margaret reminded me and I nodded.

"Aunt, I can't find my transformers shirt." I pouted and she held my hand.

"Let's go find it." She smiled down at me and I smiled at her. I tugged her to my room and showed her the mess I made.

"Charlie, it's right there." She said pointing at the desk.

"Thank you, aunt!" I yelled and ran to my shirt, putting it over my head.

"Don't forget your mom is coming for you tomorrow." She reminded me and I slumped down the stairs. 

"I don't like her, I love you, mommy." I pouted and she smiled, placing her hand on her chest. 

"I love you, too." She said and kissed my cheek.

"Ewww! Cooties!" I wiped off her kiss and yelled then ran into my room, hearing her laughs go lower the more I ran away from her. 

A knock came from the door, stopping me from my memories. Before I could even respond Cleo popped her head inside the room and when she saw me she rushed in and closed the door with something behind her back.

"What's wrong?" She asked concern leaking her voice.

"Nothing." I lied and got deeper into bed.

"You're eyes don't say the same thing. They're red what's wrong? I'll listen." She said as she sat by me and rubbed my bare back. I noticed her watching my abs but, I made no deal about it.

"You remember my Aunt Margaret?" I asked softly and she nodded. "She's in a coma and my parents went to Europe to take care of her." I said as I rubbed the tears from my eyes.

"Where are you going to say?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I guess I'll have to find somewhere to go." I said as my voice cracked.

"You can stay with me." She offered.

"No, it's already enough that you took me on vacation." I refused.

"Nonsense, I actually want to spend more time with you. So, you being at my house for a while won't bother me." She confessed and I cracked a small smile.

"Thanks, for everything Cleo." 

"It's no worry. Now, since you're upset, how about we watch a movie?" She suggested as she got up from the bed and walked to the television with the discs in her hand. "How about The Fault in our Stars?" She asked and I nodded. I didn't really care what we watched, I just wanted someone to cheer me up. Especially her.

After we finished watching the movie we just laid there and talked. She had laid her head on my chest with my arms wrapped around her waist.

"I've always dreamed about being with you." She whispered and I smiled softly.

"I've been thinking about you since we first met. Why do you think every guy who ever liked you I drove them away?" I teased and she laughed. Her laughed felt like a vibration to me.

"You didn't do a very good job with Brody." She joked and I laughed.

Soon her eyes met mines and she smiled at me. I played with her hair. I always liked her curly hair, I never approved of it when she straightened it because she looked ordinary. Like any other girl, her curls made her different. But, her personality made her stand out.

"You know, I was afraid Liv would've took you away from me." I confessed.

"I thought you'd fall for her. I kind of was right." She mumbled and confusion had hit me with a truck.

"What do you mean you were right?" I asked, getting deeper into the meaning of what she said.

"You know, you guys being each other's first and having sex all the time." She softly spoke and I shook my head.

"Doesn't the first kiss mean more? I mean you were my first kiss and we only had sex when we were frustrated about our love lifes." I whispered and she smiled to herself.

"You could've at least just kiss. Friends with Benefits seems awkward." She said with her voice straining. 

"I would've picked you if I had the guts to tell you I liked you." I said as I pulled her closer to me.

"I wished you did." She poked my nose and giggled. Her laugh was so cute.

"Where's everyone else? It seems too quiet." I said as I noticed that no one disturbed us at all.

"I honestly can't remember. All I know is Maria said something about shopping." She said as she tapped her chin.

"That's perfect." I chimed and she looked at me confusingly.

"How is that perfect?" She asked with a small frown forming on her lips.

"Because, I get to do this." I said as I pecked her lips.

As I pulled away she pressed her lips against mines, again. I could taste the chocolate in her mouth as she opened her mouth a bit wider for my tongue to go in. I caressed her cheek as we kissed. No longer was she on my chest, she was now sitting on my lap as I sat up. The kissed turned into a hungry kiss and slowly but, shortly I was enjoying it.

She pulled away breathing heavily with her forehead pressed against mines.

I love this girl. 

I tried to make it long and emotional but, bleh.

I was just too, sad to even write it.

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