I dropped my phone onto the floor as my energy to hold it up was fading fast and simply let darkness take over me.


The Saturday morning rays slanted through the blinds of my room, and my eyes squinted as I swung my arm over them.

That's when my alarm clock beeped a high-pitch, irritating sound, causing me to lazily throw my arm onto it, making it fall to the carpeted floor.

I cussed under my breath as I realized the buzzing hadn't stopped.

I rolled over, the sheets wrapping tighter around my small frame, as I draped my arm over the bed to hit the button on the alarm.

Sighing contently, I grabbed my cellphone off the ground to check the time. It was still too early to get up.

All of a sudden, my phone dinged with a notification—a new message.

I unlocked my phone only to see that the message was from none other than Archer himself.

Wait. Archer?

My back instantly shot up in bed, and all traces of previous sleepiness fled. I was now wide awake. With shaky hands, I clicked on the message.

Archer Hastings

What's funny?

Raising a quizzical eyebrow, I scrolled further up, and when I did, my whole body froze in fear. I basically died.

My message sent.

My message fucking sent.

I must've accidentally hit the send button last night, when I was about to fall asleep! Curse me and my sleep-ridden self!

'Lolzor'? Morgan, what is wrong with you? No one says that but maybe you in your own thoughts. 

That message alone was cringe-worthy enough but lolzor?

What the fuck am I supposed to say back?

Face completely scarlet, I jumped out of bed and pulled on a sweatshirt over my pajamas. 

That's when my phone chimed again, and a new message popped up.

Archer Hastings
I saw you talking w/ Trevor yesterday

Having read his new message, I panicked even more, my face turning a deeper shade of red, if that was even possible. I hastily threw my hair up into a messy but presentable pony, grabbed my phone and keys, and dashed out of the house.

I ran for a good five minutes before reaching my destination. As I anxiously pounded on the door, I sent Addie a message to inform her of my abrupt arrival.

Morgan Darhk

The door flew open a few seconds later, revealing a very tired-looking Addie. Yeah, definitely too early for this shit.

Her brunette hair was all over the place, her pajamas disheveled as she histrionically whisper-yelled in an exhausted voice, "What?!"

Out of breath, I shoved my phone in her face, and her eyes immediately grew huge as she grabbed my wrist, dragging me into her abode.

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