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Thirteen year old Lance walked down the streets with his hood over his head and his hands in his pocket. He was on his way back to the sewers to his 'home', but at this point it was a shelter where he was trained to kill and not feel.

But he was on his way from an assassination. And he felt it all.

A tear ran down his face remembering how the grown man begged and cried for mercy after Lance broke his legs when he tried to escape.


Lance had his weapons on his back in his back such as his two hand guns, his sniper and his M40 rifle. No one would suspect a kid to carry such weapons.

Suddenly he heard screams from afar and gun shots with roars. He raised an eye brow and glance seeing the subway tunnel where he could go back from his mission from being a hitman assassin ... A few minutes seeing what the ruckus was wouldn't kill him... Worst is going back to shock therapy if they find out he sped.

He raced as a blur and stopped quickly around the corner but glance seeing at least ten men or more fighting against a small figure who had a large sword. There where some on the ground with blood around them. Lance gasped when a man was thrown near him and heard his head crack against the cement. His eyes where wide seeing the thing the men fought against had a mask and a hood over its face, but it looked almost a little shorter than himself.

Lance was about to help the men against the small figure with the weapon but saw a man pull out a gun behind the thing while it was distracted by other men. It's sword went through a mans throat but Lance grabbed his hand guns quickly and shot the man twice behind the kid looking figure.

"Who are you?" Everyone paused seeing the young teen with guns.

"No one important," Lance lowered the guns a little and the figure looked at him, he couldn't tell if it was glaring at him or not behind the mask.

"Then scram, your lucky it's a rookie you shot, this ain't your fight," a man grabbed lances collar and pushed him back. Lance glared at him and zipped behind him and put the gun to the back of his head.

"Who do you think you are?" Lance spat.

"It's a meta human..." Some of the men murmured behind him and Lance held the other gun at them.

"You got some hits on the dude, he killed like five of ya, just leave cause he's kinda winning," Lance pulled the gun back and kicked the man he held the gun to. He grunted and the men escaped the two small figures.

Lance let out a breath and looked at the figure.

"So you got a name?" Lance asked. It turned its sword into a knife and raised the knife, Lance gasped when it threw the knife but it hit a man trying to crawl away with a large gasp through his torso but the knife hit his head.

"Now I killed five," Lance heard a boys voice say and looked back seeing his mask desolved under his hood as he pulled it back.

"Your an alien," he pointed out.

"Galra," the boy glared.

"That's so cool!" Lance exclaimed and the boys cat like ears perked up at the noise and looked at him confused.

"Your like my age and you can fight like that, what's your name man?" Lance grabbed his shoulders with awe in his blue eyes.

"Um... Keith..." He said slowly with his light yellow and indigo iris eyes darted away awkwardly.

"Keith? That's a really human name for a galra thing," Lance made a face.

"Galra is a species," Keith said flatly. "It's my empire..."

"So like your home? Why are you here then?" He raised a dark brow.

"The empire controls half the universe, they've destroyed planets and killed off species, the galra empire is not my home," Keith snapped at him and Lance put up his hands defending himself.

"Sorry I didn't know, wait then are you on the run or something?" Lance asked and Keith lowered his head and nodded softly.

"My dad... I was told he was from earth, I thought..." Keith trailed off and gulped. Lances eyes softened and smiled at him.

Lance thought for a second. Maybe he could do the same, run away from the organization, find family out there, not space but maybe back to Cuba or California. Maybe...

"I-" Lance was cut off when a shock hit his neck and he cried out grabbing his neck and fell to the ground.

"I-I gotta go, I'm sorry I gotta go," Lance panted about to speed off but Keith grabbed his wrist.

"Is someone hurting you?" He asked quickly and Lance had tears in his eyes.

"I got five minute before they go again, I-I have a chip in my neck, they're going to hurt me again if I'm late," Lance pleaded. "Let me go please,"

"No, you helped me, don't go back," Keith held his wrist with both hands.

"I don't even know your name, but don't go back to whosever going to hurt you," Keith begged

"Lance... The names Lance," he pursed his lips.

"Lance, don't go back to them," Keith said sternly and the blue eye speedster looked at him and touched the chip in his neck softly.

"It's going to go off again," he mumbled.

"I'll get it out," Keith promised.

"... Okay, cut it out quick, then we have to get out of the city before they come looking for us," Lance let out a shaky breath and Keith grabbed his knife as Lance knelt down for his to see. Keith could see the outline of it, it should be easy but it's close to his vertebraes, he had to be careful.

"Okay, one... Two... Three,"

Keith woke up with a start as he sat up looking around with wide purple eyes. He quickly got up from his twin size bed and ran down the halls as tears where in his eyes and swung open a door that was decorated.

"Lance?" He called quietly but only saw lances messy bed in his clean room as photos of him and Keith and their family were on the walls with some face mask materials where on a desk with a mirror.

Keith hung his head in defeat as memories rushed in, how Lance was taken from them, how he hasn't slept since until now, how he hasn't cried until he felt a tear escape dripping on his nose.

He walked to the bed and found lances jacket in the sheets. Keith laid in the bed as he wrapped himself in the jacket and soon the blankets over the top. He cried softly hugging his arms tightly pulling the hood over in hope to comfort him as Lance wouldve in the same way, holding him, consuming him, his scent off his clothes and sheets weren't enough for him.

He missed Lance, he missed his mate, he missed his best friend. He missed how he had chances to kiss him just once... Keith couldn't help but cry because pidge hasn't been able to break into the justice leagues new system, and if pidge can't hack into it, then Lance is lost to them.

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