monster tom x small reader why would I be scared

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(this was a request by wassup2005.)

Y/n's pov
Rain and blood. I was running thew the woods. Trying to get away from him. Jack, Jack was my boyfriend's but I left him due to him and another girl. Now hes running after me.

I soon come to a cave. I running without hesitation. I run to the back and slide down the wall. I try to calm myself down. I hear him. "Ohhhh y/n~" I try not to cry. I hear him scream. I jump. I hear heavy footsteps. I pull my knees up to face and hug them. I put my face in my knees. I cry harder. 'I'm going too die. I'm going to die.' I repeated in head. I feal the something sniff me. I let out a Yelp. I look up and see a man? Well he was hafe man and hafe monster. Purple ears tail and horns. He has some purple dots on him. No Shirt but he had pants and shoes. "You ok?" He asked. "Y-y-ya" I sturted. He sat beside me pulled me into his lap. I let out a Yelp. He put his chin on my head and rapped him arms around me and he rapped his tail around my waist. I tryed to push him off me. He growled. I yelped. I soon gave in. I let him cuddle me. 'He's soooooooo warm' I thought.

Tom's pov
She soon gave into me. I was trying to calm her. That stupid boyfriend of hers. Her eye was bleeding. It looks like a knife gash. I lean down and lick her. She jumps with a little Yelp. She soon calms down and just goes with it. I soon stop and see that the bleeding stopped. I purrr a bit. I hear her giggle a bit. I look down at her. "Are you scared?"

Y/n's pov
I look at him "why would I be scared?" He thought about it for a second. "Well... because I'm bigger than you. Stronger than you." "Soooooooo. That just makes you more hot." I realized what I just said. "I-I-I men---" I was cut off. He kissed me. I was shoked for a few seconds. I soon kissed back. He pulled away sadly. "You are my little kitty." He said. "I'm not little." "Oh yes you are. Your really small." He laughed. I blushed. "Shut up ya big dope." I say. We laughed.

"Your not scared of me tho....right?"

"No.... Why would I, my big brave monster."

(End....I'm sorry this took soooooooo long. With my nana passing it took me a bit but I hope you like it. Thank you all and have a good bad/night. 
Request if ya want. 😛😛😛😛)

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