The Hidden Cove

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Tyler lead us through some trees and round the back of some houses.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked, my hand still in Seth's.

"Trust me, it's the right way." Tyler ducked under some branches and Seth and I followed.

In front of us was an area of sand, a cove? The water was bright blue and reflected the bright sun and the sand was yellow-white. Tyler and Seth kicked off their shoes and took off their socks, I did the same.

"Welcome to the Hidden Cove." Tyler put on a sarcasm filled presenter's voice. "My Dad took me and my brother here a bunch, then I started bringing Seth here."

"Yeah, I'd tell you the story of the first time but it's really long and boring and I was really pathetic." Seth picked up a stick, drawing squiggles in the sand.

"Give me the short version?"

"I'll tell you!" Tyler jumped on top of a rock, "It was a bright summer's day. Seth and I came to this very beach to go swimming. Instead, I gave Seth one of my favourite shirts and never got it back." He pointed at Seth, "I still want it back."

"I won't fit us now."

"Then you can buy me one in my size."

"Buy your own shirts." Seth picked up a small piece of wood that looked like it had broken off of something bigger and threw it at Tyler, who dodged and purposefully fell off the rock extremely dramatically.

Seth and I laughed as Tyler got up, brushing sand off his shirt.

"Speaking of that day, we never did go for that swim." Tyler eyed me and Seth, a smile on his face.

Seth sighed, throwing his stick at Tyler's feet and removing his shirt. Tyler whistled and Seth threw his shirt at him. Tyler took his shirt off too, throwing it at Seth.

"Last one in the water is first to get splashed!" Tyler ran off, diving under the water. Seth looked to me.

"You coming. 'Cause I'll give you a head start."

"Don't think I can out run you?"

"I didn't say that." Seth smiled.

I took my shirt and jeans off, leaving me in my under wear. We could see Tyler had removed him jeans before diving in the water. Seth took his off too.

"Five second head start starts now!" I rolled my eyes and started running to the water.

I wasn't cold but it wasn't hot either. It was the perfect temperature. Seth got to the water a few seconds after me, Tyler splashing him on arrival.

"Hey!" Seth splashed him back.

"Those were the rules!" Tyler threw another wave of water at Seth but he dodged it, pushing Tyler under the water. Tyler came back up, a wide smile plastering his face.


We stayed there for around and hour, splashing, swimming, laughing. Finally, we decided to leave. We tried to dry off best we could without towels and put our clothes back on.

We got back onto the main street and started to go home, passing the woods as we did. Outside the woods was a van and a few people, one with a camera, another with a microphone and the other people were just standing around and watching. Seth, Tyler and I decided to go see what was going on.

The woman with the mic was looking at the camera, facing away from the woods. She was talking about all the murders so I guessed she was a news reporter. Then she started talking about us.

"Local teenagers, Tyler Lee, Seth Parker and Lily Jackson, were taken into the woods earlier today by the murderer, Violet Lacy. Luckily, all the teenagers were unharmed--" Tyler coughed, sounding like he was hiding a laugh. We were stood behind the group of people and, when Tyler coughed, a few of them turned to face us, including the woman. She smiled, moving through the crowd of people, camera man in tow, towards us. When she got to us, she spun back to the camera, "And here they are. Anything you'd like to say to the people watching today?" She pushed the mic towards Tyler, as he was the closest to her.

"Well, I wouldn't say we were unharmed--"

"Why would you say that?" The woman interrupted.

"Well, Seth and I got hit in the head, Lils got thrown against a tree, I got a symbol carved into my arm, Seth's hands got pretty cut up from ropes. Would you like me to continue?" Tyler makes the question really exaggerated, making Seth snigger a little.

The woman brought the mic back to her mouth, "How about you two?" She pushed it back to me and Seth. We just looked at each other, then back at the woman.

"Um, no?" Seth leaned towards the mic. The woman pulled it away again, looking directly at the camera again. She did some sign off thing and walked away. The camera guy lowered the camera and followed her away.

Tyler looked at Seth and they both shrugged. We started walking away, back to my house.


We walked in and Mark came running to us, wrapping his arms around Seth.

"Easy little guy!" Seth hugged back, almost falling from being caught off guard. Tyler laughed. Mark let go, pulling Seth along into the sitting room where my Dad was.

"Hey Lily, Seth. Who's this?" He stood up, extending his hand to Tyler.

"I'm Tyler Lee, sir." Tyler shook his hand and my Dad smiled.

"I heard a little about you from Lily. Seth's friend right?"

"Yup!" My dad gestured for everyone to sit down.


I'll spare you the boring details. We mostly just talked about school and stuff. Mark butted in at times, running around with his toy cars and asking Seth to play with him.

Eventually, Seth and Tyler went home and my Dad, Mark and I sat down and watched a few movies.


Endings kind of badly written because I was watching Bridge to Terabithia so I was a little distracted.

Hope you liked this part, I can't believe the next part is the last.

C'ya! xx

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