To The House On The Hill

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Lily and I sat doing the homework for a while until my Dad called us down to eat.

We were going to sit at the table but my Mum, Dad and Aunt were sitting on the couch.

What the frick?

Lily and I grabbed our food and sat on the couch. My Mum was on one side of us and my Dad was next to her and Aunt Faye was one the other side of Lily and me. We started eating and my Dad struck up a convocation.

"Lily, you just moved here?"

"Yeah, me, my Dad and my brother, Mark." Dad nodded and took another bite of his pizza.

"Little brother? What's he like?" Faye asked.

"He's really hyper at times. He loves Seth." Lily smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Does that run in the family?" Faye asked.

"Faye, leave them alone." MY Mum said, turning towards us. "Anyway, how are you liking Bremin so far?"

"Apart from the murders, it's pretty cool." Lily said and I laughed.

"More like boring." I said, eating some more pizza.

"Lily can have her own opinion of Bremin, Seth." My Dad said, brushing a few crumbs off of his shirt.


We spent the rest of dinner talking about school and random things.

Finally, we finished our food and Lily decided she would go home before it got too dark. We all said good bye.

A few minutes after she left, I got a call from Tyler. "Hey, where'd you go earlier?"

"The station to talk to Margret. Your parents in?"


"Ok, can you come to the woods?" I paused for a second. I know I joked about Tyler being the killer before with how obsessed he was with the murders but the question made me wonder. Then I hated myself for wondering.

"I guess, where abouts?"

"Margret's house."


I should have said no. Should have stayed home. Nope! I agreed to go to the damn woods! What's wrong with me?

I met Tyler near Margret's house and we started walking the little distance we still had left.

"Gonna tell me why we're going to this persons house?" I asked, picking up a twig and seeing how far through the trees I could throw it. No far before it hit a branch and fell back to the ground.

"The secret's in the woods." Was all he said, continuing to walk.

"That's incredibly vague. Want to elaborate?"

"Well, I could be grabbing at straws that don't exist," That makes me really think Tyler's got this all sorted out, "But Margret said something in Italian, the secret is in the woods. So I'm guessing she meant her house."

"Or she's tricking us into being the next victims?"

"That's a possibility. Let's hope it's my idea."


We walked for a few more minutes talking.

"So, how was dinner with Lily?" Tyler asked, picking up a small branch and using it to hit other branches with.


"Did you kiss her?" I stopped, shocked that Tyler had asked that.


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