Taco Time!

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A/N I lied! I started writing this one right after the last one again. It's 11:04pm and I have school tomorrow but I'm gonna spend half my night writing. Yay!

Lily and I walked down stairs to be met with Mark and his toy cars. This time he was holding them over his head and making them fly. I freaking love this kid!

I followed Lily to the kitchen where her Dad had four plates on the side, one of which was plastic. Her Dad put two tacos on each plate but only one on the plastic one for Mark. I guessed since he was younger he probably wounldn't eat as much.

Lily picked up two plates, passing one to me and then gabbing the plastic plate for Mark. I followed her into the living room and sat with her on the couch.

First time eating tacos on a couch. Or any food while sitting on a couch. I'm only just realising how truely posh my familly was.

Mark sat in the space next to me, leaving their Dad to sit on the comfy looking chair next to the couch.

We all started eating and after abot two mouthfuls, Lily's Dad started talking "So, you two go to the same school. How'd you meet?"

Finishing my mouthful of taco, I asnwered first, since Lily had just taken another bite of her taco, "She was struggling to pick up a chair so my friend, Tyler, helped her put then she sat on my table and the first thing I said was 'cool hair' and we instantly became BFFs." I said the last bit with a slight bit of sarcasm to test her Dad's humor. Luckly, he laughed a little.

"One thing you should know about Seth, Dad, is he's a dork." Lily said with a huge smile.

"You're the dork!" I said, lightly shoving her with my elbow, earning me a shove back.


We continued to talk and eat. There were four more tacos left over and Lily and I shared them between us.

We went to eat in the kitchen so Mark could watch his shows. Although, the massive window thingy giving us a view of the living room made it had to not notice the T.V. screen.

"So...BFF, how's the food?" Lily said, mocking my joke from earlier.

"Almost as good as my Aunt's homemade cookies. And that's saying something."

"You're right, they are pretty good."

We finished of our tacos and went back upstairs, not realising how dark is was getting. We sat in her room, listening to music, spinning on the chairs and talking.

I saw it was getting dark and, because of the curfue, Lily's Dad said I could stay over for the night. So, I called my Mum, told her I was at Lily's house and she said t was fine that I stayed there so long as I went home after school tomorrow.

Lily's Dad leant me one of his shirts and a pair of shorts to sleep in. Surprisingly, they fit! I changed into them and we went down stairs to watch a film or two.

Lily's Dad put Mark to bed then went to bed himself, trusting us to go to sleep at a reasonable hour which I will not deny nor confirm that we did.


After a few hours of watching films and throwing popcorn at each other every now and again, we started to get tired. So, being the responsible teenagers we were, we watched another film.

About half way through the movie, I noticed Lily had her head on my shoulder. After looking again, I saw she was asleep trying not to wake her I reached for the T.V. remote and turned it off. I moved around to lay her down on the couch and covered her with the blanket that sat on the corner of the couch. Once she looked comfy, I grabbed the other blanket and sat in the chair.

She was kind of cute when she slept. She looked so peaceful and content. Heck! She even snored. Not loud, obnoxious snores, small adorable ones.

I got comfy in the chair and closed my eyes.


I woke up to Mark jumping up and down saying 'Get up you lazy butts!'.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around. Lily was still on the couch and everything was where we left. Lily's Dad came in.

"Lily, you have a bed you know." He sat next to here on the couch, tapping her head.

"Nn!" She shook her hand at her Dad and snuggled back into the blanket I had covered her in the night before, "You have school. You don't want to make Seth late do you?"

"Nnnnnnn!" She sat up rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Go on! I sorted out your lunch and I packed something for Seth, if he wants it?"

I nodded and we got up to go get changed. I went into the bathroom and she got dressed in her room. When she came out, she was wearing shirt that said 'BaCoN' in what looked like periodic table symbols, I didn't really pay attention in chemistry when it came to the symbols. I found it boring.

We ate our breakfast, grabbed our bags and set off to school.


Tyler was already there and so were the cop cars. "Again?" I sighed, throwing my head back to look at the sky.

Why did they have to show up everyday? Pretty sure we were safe in school!

Tyler waved us over, holding his phone out. "There's been another!" He shouted, not trying to hide the fact he's playing detective. When we reached him, he started reading but I cut him off.

"Ty, I get that you want to know what's going on but not all of us want to chase down a killer."

"Ok," Tyler pocketed his phone and we walked to Home Room.

He didn't look like I upset him, he just shrugged it off. Even he has to agree that we should leave this alone for a while.

We got there and saw there were two police officers at the front of the room. They told us they were going around every room to deliver the news, avoid a massive up rawer of talking.

They told us who had been killed. Someone called Bill. They also told us they had a suspect in custody.

Margret Lacy.


Kind of a cliff-hanger, right?

The end got a little sloppy because I wanted to post this today and I just got home and finished it. Also, I spend half of the day wearing my hair in a ponytail and putting it over my forehead so when I put my hood up it looked like I had really short hair and I loved it. I felt a lot more confident with my hair shorter, even if it wasn't technically cut short. Now I just have to convince myself to convince my Mum to let me have short hair. Harder than it sounds since I'm still in the closet about everything and I've only told a few close friends at school. It's not that she's against it, I'm just a little bitch.

Hope you liked this part.

C'ya! xx

P.S. I had to put TB saga in the thingy at the top! I needed to happen! 

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