Jaxon Miller

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A/N Jaxon Miller is one of my best friends and he's helped me through a lot. He doesn't have Wattpad but he asked if I could put him in the story and he wanted to be the first to die. Don't ask me why, he's a weird kid. He also asked me to add Brendon Urie as his boyfriend so look out for Beebo!

"Tyler, wait up!" I heard Seth call from behind me. Normally we don't walk to school together because we walk different ways, guess he decided to go down my street today.

"Hey, Seth--"

"Have you seen Jaxon around?" Seth was a little out of breath, I guessed he'd ran to catch up with me.

"Miller? No, why?" Jaxon Miller was one of the popular weird people at my school. He'd moved here a few years ago and everyone instantly loved him. He ended up dating some kid called Brendon Urie a while after school started last year, they were cool guys.

"No one's seen him. He didn't go home last night, he won't answer his phone and Brendon's calling everyone to see where he is." Seth looked really upset. Makes sense, Jaxon was the first openly gay guy in our town and Seth looked up to him.

"Maybe he'll turn up later."

"Maybe, but why wouldn't be answer his phone?"

"Lost it, broke it. Probably the second one knowing him."

"Yeah, he always was pretty clumsy." Seth laughed, "I hope he's ok."


We got to school. A few people asked us about Jaxon on our way, his friends I guess. I didn't really know him but everyone seemed really worried, so was I.

Lily was at the school gates, earphones in and a book in her hand. I couldn't make out what it was called but the cover looked cool.

"Lil!" Seth shouted. Lily looked up, closing her book and pulling out her earphones.

"Hey, do you guys know why people keep asking about someone called Jaxon?" It made sense Lily wouldn't know who he is, she's new here.

"No one's seen him." Lily's face changed from confused to worried.

"So he's missing?"

"The last time anyone saw him was when he was going home after school so yeah. He's officially missing."

The bell rung and we had to get to Home Room. I really hope Jaxon shows up, for everyone's sake.


Home Room was quiet, everyone checking their phones for news on Jaxon, Mr. Andrews on his computer and everyone else just staring into space.

"Hey, it's the cops!" Some kid near the widows shouted, I think his name was Callum or maybe Kyle. Everyone in the room started mumbling and getting up from their chairs to look out of the windows.

Lily looked at me and Seth, "Why would the police come here?"

"Question people about Jaxon? Announce his death? Look for clues, like Scooby Doo!" Seth said quickly, rushing over to the window. Lily turned to me, looking more worried.

"You don't think he's..." She said, clearly not wanting to finish the sentence.

"Doubt it! Bremin's the most boring town on the face of the Earth, I doubt there's some psycho killer on the loose." Lily and I got up to look out of the window.

Sure enough, there was a police car, two police men and our Head Teacher. She was talking to the cops as they explained something. Then her face changed to worry, fear and concern all in one. She hurried back towards the school, followed by the two men.

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