"The secret's in the woods."

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A/N It's 12:07am...what is my life?

I ran past Seth and Lily through the gates and out of school. I didn't talk much, I just needed to get somewhere.

Why would the police suspect Margret Lacy? Did she really do it? Doubt it.

I realise I'm probably going to get caught by doing this but I had to.

At the station, there's a cell. One cell. It's where they put people when they don't have enough eveidence against them to put them in jail. That's where they had Margret. And I needed to talk to her.


I ran down the street. Past houses, shops and parks. Finally, I got to the station. The person at the front desk knew my Dad and knew, whenever he was on a case, he'd bring me into help.

She lifted her head up her eyes going wide, "No, no, no.Tyler, out."

"I just want to talk to Margret."

"A can't let you do that."

"Please? I know I can help but I need to ask her something."

"You're fifth teen. You don't help police."

"I helped when my Dad was here!"

"That's different!"


"Fine!" She threw her hands up in the air. "Go on before my boss catches you."

"Thank you!" I smiled, running into the back room where the cell was.

Margret looked up, her eyes showing no emotion. "Still trying to be the hero?"

"I guess. I need to ask you something." I moved closer to the bars.

"Go a head. Not like I can go anywhere to avoid you."

"Did you really do it?" She laughed, well, cackled.

"You're a smart boy. Your Dad thought so too. God, it broke him when  he had to leave." What? She knew my Dad?

"What about my Dad?"

"Oh, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is these sacrifices."

"Sacrifies?" I said, shocked, trying to keep my voice down.

"Teenagers," She sighed, "Yes, sacrifices. The last two had marks on there neck and arms right."

"Yeah," Margret looked to the floor, thinking.

"Well, it wasn't me."

"You know who it is?" I moved closer again, wrapping my hands around the bars.

"Of course."


"Where's the fun in telling you?"

"Tell me!" I almost shouted.

"I don't know her name," I took my hands off of the bars.

"Useless." I turned to walked away.

"Boy! I have you seen the marks?"

I stopped, looking at her over my shoulder, "no."

"Well, you need to."

"How am I suposed to do that? Hang out in the woods until the next persons dead and go inspect their body?"

"Of course." She smiled.

"You really are a nut job," I turned to leave again.

"Wait!" I stopped, turned around and raised my eyebrows.

"il segreto è nei boschi." She said. What did that mean?


"il segreto è nei boschi." She said again, with a hint of crazy in her voice.


"il segreto è nei boschi. il segreto è nei boschi. il segreto è nei boschi."

I grabbed the bars again, "What are you saying?"

Someone ran into the room, "C'mon kid! Out!" He grabbed my arms and tried pulling me away.

"No! What does it mean!?" I shouted, struggling to get free of the guys grip.

"il segreto è nei boschi, il segreto è nei boschi, il segreto è nei boschi!" Margret shouted, grabbing hold of the bars and trying to stick her head through.

The guy dragged me out of there and on the the street. Great! What language was that?

I puled my phone out to translate it. What was it again? il segreto è nei boschi?

I typed it into the search bar. Turns out it's Italian.

"C'mon! Load!" I whispered to myself.

Finally, it loaded. The translation came up on my screen.

"What? How does that--?" I said, confused. But then it hit me.

I'm an idiot. So's Margret. How's this suposed to help me?

Does she want me to go to the woods? The only thing in the woods is trees and that wack jobs house.

Wait, did see mean her house? That can't be it.

Well, it's worth a nosey, if it doesn't colapse on me.

Like she said, "The secret's in the woods."


Tyler's part are getting really short. I'm sorry about that. Next Tyler part will be a longer one.

I don't know Italian so hopefully google translate is right. Would of used Latin but it didn't translate word for word like I wanted it to.

Hope you liked it even though it's a little rushed and makes no sence. I'll come back and fix it in places so it goes smoother and works better.

C'ya! xx

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