Seth Parker

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I got home, kicked my shoes of next to the door and walked to my living room. "Anyone home?" I shouted.

My Mum and Dad aren't usually in when I get home but sometimes they are, depends on work I guess.

Today was no different, they were out and the only person home was my Aunt Faye. She's amazing. She was the first one to accept me when I came out. My parents didn't really get it at first, but they try.

It took them a while to understand it all. Even after I talked to them about it, they still slip up sometimes, calling me Sophie or messing up my pronouns. They try to get it right though, that's what matters. Everyone else, other than Tyler, n this freaking town still has a hard time grasping the term and meaning of 'transgender'.

"Hello, Sweetheart! Your parents just headed out to work. Want anything to eat? I made some cookies." Auntie Faye's home made cookies are the best and you'll never convince me otherwise.

"Heck yeah!" I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a few cookies from the plate she'd set on the table. I had four in my hand and went to take another.

"Not too many, Linda and Carl are coming over later for dinner."

I sighed. Linda and Carl were my other Aunt and Uncle. They hated me before I even came out because Linda's sister, my Mum, had got married and had kids before her. Pathetic. Then when I came out, Linda and Carl started calling me 'unholy' and 'a spawn of Satan'. Heck! They're not even religious!

"Why do they have to be here?" I whined, sounding like a child that got their favourite toy taken from them.

"It's you Dad's idea, not mine." Faye answered, taking the plate of cookies and putting them on the counter next to the fridge.

"Think they'll let me got to Tyler's house?" I leaned on the wall eating my cookies. They were so good!

"Now, you know I love Tyler but after all the lessons he's skipped your Mum and Dad don't think he's a good influence."

"Of course they wouldn't."

"Run up stairs and get changed, Linda and Carl will be hear soon after your parents get back which will only be a few hours." Knowing Linda they'll get my Dad to go pick them up right after they finish work.



I decided to wear my grey shirt with black jeans. I didn't want to wear anything too fancy even though I probably get a few stares from Linda.

I didn't get why whenever they came over for dinner, we all had to dress up. Mum literally wears a new dress every time, and we only eat in our kitchen!

Finally, my parents got home and I went down to greet them.

"Hey, Mum." I smiled.

"What are you wearing?" She sighed at my not-so-fancy attire.

"Uh, clothes?" My Dad sighed as well.

"Go put something else on! Didn't Faye tell you we're having dinner with Linda and Carl?"

"Yeah, but we're normally just eating in our own kitchen. Why'd I never to dress up for that?"

"We're going to a restaurant. Go put something else on please?"

When I was in my room, I rummaged through my closet and found a suit stuffed away in the back. Tyler had got me it when school had a 'Fairy Tale' themed dance and my parents were still trying to understand I was trans and wouldn't buy me a suit. Thanks, Ty.

I pulled on the suit, combed my hair and was about to leave my room when I heard Linda's voice downstairs. "Hello, dear. Where's our little Sophie at?"

The sound of her voice and the name 'Sophie' made me want to escape out my window and run to Tyler's house and live there.

"It's Seth." I heard Aunt Faye's voice, "Seth! Linda and Carl are here!"

I came down the stairs and my Mum smiled. Linda looked as if I'd spat in her coffee and so did Carl. My Dad nodded at me in greeting, I nodded back. Aunt Faye smiled when she saw me, offering me another cookie.

"Cookie, Seth?"

I went to reach for one off the plate when I heard Linda. "No, Sophie. We really must be going, anyway." She smiled. I smiled back, plucking a cookie from the plate.

"I think I'll be fine." I said and bit into the cookie. Linda made a 'humph' noise as she stepped past me, followed by Carl, my Mum and my Dad.

"Don't let her get to you, Seth." Faye smiled, patting me on the back, "You go on, I'll put these in the fridge for you later." She walked off to the kitchen, leaving me to follow my parents.


The restaurant looked nice at least. The food was good. As soon as we sat down, Linda started talking.

"So, Sophie, how's school going?"

"I think you pronounced my name wrong. It's 'Seth', S-e-t-h." I said, keeping my eyes on the table, taking a sip of my water.

"Well, Seth, how's school?" The sarcasm was heavy when she said my name.

"It's ok. There's a new girl in my class, called Lily."

"Maybe you can learn a thing or two from her." Carl laughed. My Mum scowled at him. If looks could kill, heck, Carl and Linda would have died six months ago!

"Carl, apoligise to my son." My Mum said.

"I'll apoligise when she realises this is a phase."

I'd had it with Carl and Linda. Calling it a 'phase'. Just because they didn't get it doesn't mean it's a phase.

"It's not a phase!" I stood up, slamming my hands on the table.

"Of course it's not, Seth." Linda laughed.

I took my hands of the table and started to walk to the exit.

"Sophie, get back here and sit down!" Linda called after me.

"Have a nive meal, Bitch!" I shouted back.


I was so glad to get out of that 'family' dinner. I walked around the streets until it got dark, trying to figure out if Linda and Carl would have gone home by now of if they were hanging around at my house waiting for me to come home so they could tell me about my 'phase'.

I got to the park and sat on a bench. The bench was right on the edge of the woods, almost hiden by one of the trees. It was my favorite bench, far enough back that people wouldn't take much notice of you.

I sat there for around thirty minutes then checked the time in my phone. 10:37pm. Linda and Carl should have gone home by now, if they hadn't then that's freaking pathetic.


Opening the door to my house, I didn't hear anyone inside. No Linda, No Carl. No one.

When I got in, Faye told me my Mum and Dad were asleep and I should go to bed too.

I'm glad Linda and Carl had gone home, I didn't want to see them ever again. Hopefully, my Mum and Dad took the hint and decided that they weren't going to make me have dinner with Linda and Carl again. That'd be nice.

I got out of my suit and put on my Superman shirt, well Tyler's Superman shirt that he left here once, and some long shorts. I switched out my light and climbed into bed to sleep.


@sky_sykes commented on the last part and that made me remember this thing and write this part because I honestly forgot or thought no one had read it.

When I read their comment, I screamed because, one, someone had read it and, two, they said they liked it.

Hope you, whether you're @sky_sykes or someone else, you enjoyed this part.

C'ya! xx

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