Spoken words- ❤❤❤

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Assalam-u-alikum everyone,
All your words, your reviews and comments on this project made me felt owsum and helped me a lot in improving my imaan.
This above video is also a piece that I came across while strolling down on my instagram account. This video was so good that it really melted my heart and I was on the verge of tears, I never knew that Allah blessed me so much.
I used to ask people about this, I used to ask others how can I keep it and increase my imaan, and truly this video had all my answers.
All girls, I want you guys to see this video, and learn from it. This hijab, hijab or scarf that is on our head protecting us from evil is truly a blessing from Allah SWT.
I want to thank StarofIslam for putting me in this project, thank you so much, you are one of the reasons that I am standing still and firmly on my hijab.
JazakAllah khair..
P. S: if anyone have a problem understanding this video dm me, I will write it for you.
May Allah bless all of you and your families, and everyone around the world.

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