Chapter 26

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Haley's POV:

(2 weeks later)

I wake up to the sound of knocking, I roll over and look at my window and there's Louis smiling back at me. I get up and pull the rubber band from my wrist and pull up my hair as I walk to the window, "What are you doing here so early?" I ask, "Well we have the concert later so I just figured we'd hang out until we have to go, and also I woke up at 10:00 and I got bored fast so I got cleaned up then came here." he says and I turn and look at my clock, "Boy it's 10:30, you woke me like 2 hours before I wanted to be up." I mumble and lean my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him. "I'm sorry love, go take a shower and get woke up. I'll stay in here." he says and tilts my head up then kisses my forehead.

"Okay.." I groan and walk to my bathroom, I turn on the water and start some music then I get in. After my shower I go to the counter, "Ughh I forgot my clothes..." I dry and straighten my hair, brush my teeth, and do my make up then I make sure my towel is wrapped around me good then I open the door and look out, "What are you doing?" Lou chuckles, "I forgot my clothes.." I shyly say, "Well by all means come and get them." he smirks and I make a face at him and he laughs.

"What if my towel falls?" "Then it falls." "Louis." "Fine I'll close my eyes." "Lies." I say and he covers his eyes, I hesitate then walk over to my dresser then I go to my closet, "Are you almost done?" "You can wait sir." I giggle, "You forget I can easily make you lose grip of your towel." "You wouldn't" "Try me." he says and uncovers his eyes and grins when he sees me, "Fine, do something." I say feeling confident that he won't do anything, "Okay then." he says cockily and picks up a shoe and throws it at me.

"Louis!" I shriek as I dodge the shoe and my towel loosens, I grab a shirt and shorts from the closet then I run to the bathroom. I can hear him laughing as I close the door, that's when I decide to mess with him. I put on my bra and underwear then I wrap the towel back around me

I open the door and I stand where he can see me, he's still smirking. "I told you I would." he chuckles, "Yeahh, well hey can you clean that spot where the shoe hit the wall?" "What would I clean it with?" "Here use my towel." I say and reach to the top of it, "What?" he stammers and his eyes widen, "Yeah here." I say and let it go then I throw it at him then go back in the bathroom.

"Haley you can't do that!" "I just did though." I chuckle, "No, you have no idea what that does to me." "I think I have a good idea of what I can do to you." I reply and finish getting dressed. I grabbed my black and white striped shirt and pale denim high waist shorts that have a tan belt with them when I yanked stuff out my closet. Once I'm dressed I step back in my room and Louis is sitting leaned back on my bed.

I walk over and crawl across my bed and sit straddle at like his waist area. He places his hands on my hips and I lean down and kiss him, "I'm sorry if i'm teasing you, I don't mean anything by it." I say and sit back up, "You're not being a tease Hales." "I just don't want you to think i'm leading you to think we're about to have sex when we're not. I don't want to seem like i'm withholding myself from you." I reply, "Love when you're ready i'm ready. There is absolutely no rush on us having sex, it will happen when it happens." he says and pulls me down and sweetly kisses me.

When the kiss ends he smiles at me, "What is it?" I ask through a giggle and he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, "It's you. You're so beautiful." he says and sits up with me still straddling him but more in his lap, and he presses his lips to mine. "Lou.." I manage to say in between kisses and he looks at me, "What is it love?" he asks and starts kissing my neck, "Liam is here, I don't want him to hear us." I manage to get out and it's not in a moan so that's a good thing.

"Scared you're gonna moan my name?" he asks and keeps kissing up my neck, I push him back and 'pin' his arms down and I press my lips to his and we kiss hard and I move my hips slightly grinding over his.. area and he loses his breath and breaks the kiss and he ever so lightly moans. "No i'm scared you're gonna moan mine." I whisper in his ear then get off of him and I walk over to my door.

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