Chapter 7

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Louis's POV:

It's now past 2:00 and Haley is asleep but I can't help but lay here and wonder what would have happened if I wouldn't have told her I love her, but my thoughts are interrupted, "No, no Louis please don't go..." I heard Haley mumble and I sat up on the couch and looked over at her, "Haley.." I whispered but I didn't get an answer, "Please, come back.." "Hales?" "I- I love you.." She whispered in like a whimper, it sounded like she was crying. She's having a nightmare about me leaving.

I got up and walked over to my bed and I brushed her hair out of her face, "Haley, love wake up." she didn't wake she flinched in her sleep and grabbed my shirt, I put my hand over hers on my chest and the other on her cheek, "Hales wake up please.." I whispered and kissed her forehead and she finally opened her eyes, "Louis!" she breathed out and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Are you okay?" I asked as she still clung around my neck, "I had a nightmare, "Do you need anything, if you don't want to be bothered I can go lay back down." "No, please don't go.." she whispered and tightened her arms around me.

The way she said not to go reminded me of what she said in her dream, "No, no Louis please don't go." I can still hear her cry out the words in my head. "I won't go anywhere." I whispered and looked into her eyes that were reflecting the moonlight, "Scoot over.." I whispered and she took her arms from around my shoulders then scooted over and I got in next to her and she snuggled up to my side immediately and her hand was rested on my chest.

After a few minutes of silence Haley whispered, "You wouldn't leave me would you?" "I couldn't even if I tried." I whispered back and looked down at her and she was already looking up at me, "You're so beautiful Haley." "You're not bad yourself Tomlinson." she replied with a smirk and winked at me, "Gosh woman don't do either of those things." I chuckled, "What these things?" She said with a smirk and leaned up on her elbow and winked at me, "Yes those things." I laughed and pulled her over to me and she propped up on my stomach and looked at me, "What happens when I do those things?" she asked and bit her lip, "Geez you're killin me." "Answer the question Tommo." she giggled and laid her head down on my chest, "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be able to be the one that you look at in so many ways and that not many people get to see those looks but me, and I get this feeling inside me that's indescribable, and my heart feels like it could burst out my chest." I said and smiled at my words thinking about the way she makes me feel.

"I feel the same.." she whispered and I wrapped my arms around her sides then she continued, "It's like I can't catch my breath and a swarm of butterflies fill up inside me and I can't think straight. You make me feel like I'm the last girl on earth, and I don't mind that idea because i'd have you and you'd have me. We'd be complete you and I." she whispered and snuggled back down next to my side, "Nothing can come between You and I. Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us. We can make it 'til the end." I replied and kissed the top of her head and pulled her to me as close as she could be and I wrapped my arms around her and we drifted to sleep in each others arms.

Haley's POV:

I woke up in Louis's arms and smiled to myself thinking about the conversation we had last night and I leaned up and kissed his forehead and he woke, "Good morning." He said in a deeper voice than normal and it made me smile, "Good morning." I replied and he grinned, "Hey what time is it?" he asked and I grabbed my phone from his bedside table, "It's 15 till 10:00." Okay, well I have soccer at 10:00 but I should be back by noon, I'm gonna take you out for lunch so if you want you can just stay here and i'll just come get you after practice." "Okay, yeah that sounds fun, I'll stay here and nap a little." "Lazy arse." he chuckled and stood up from the bed, "You know it." I laughed and rolled over into his spot. Without him by me I got cold fast so I snuggled up in like a fetal position and pulled the pillow I slept on to me and I cuddled it.

"I hate that pillow." Louis said from right behind me and it startled me, "Geez you scared me." "Sorry," he chuckled then sat on the bed and started putting on his shoes, "So is someone jelly of this pillow?" "What? Psh no.." "Oh really?" "Nooo, I lied I am." he laughed then laid back on the bed, "Hales?" "Yeah?" "What do you think Liam is going to do if he finds out we like each other?" "I don't know.." I replied honestly and he sighed, "Well we'll just have to change his mind won't we." "Yep." I giggled back and he smiled then stood up, "Okay well I gotta head out, I'll see you in a few hours Brennan." He said then leaned down and kissed my forehead, "Bye Lou." I replied and winked at him, "Noooo, no bad don't do that." he said through a chuckle and walked over to the door, "See you soon." "Not soon enough." I replied and made him smile then he left the dorm.

"Well piss I'm no longer tired." I huffed after laying there in Louis's bed for like 20 minutes. I sat up and looked around the room and walked over to the tiny kitchen and got some tea then walked over to Lou's desk, "What's this?" I questioned aloud and sat my tea down. "A sketch book? I didn't know Louis drew." I said aloud as I flipped through drawings of fruit, trees, flowers, and random animals then another sketch book caught my attention when I saw the top of a drawing, It looked like a piano. I moved the few books off the top of it and I stopped breathing when I saw the picture, "That's me..." The sketch was of me at the piano in the music room, I had on my Fall Out Boy shirt, high waist shorts, and high top converse. "It's the day we met." I said stunned, The drawing was done in the way he saw me from the front when he was leaned against the piano. My eyes are shut and my lips are barley parted and my hair was resting just past my shoulders. "This is beautiful.." I said as I turned through the pages, the next few were of me writing.

In one I was looking down at the paper, the next I had the tip of the pencil between my teeth, then the last one was of me smiling and looking up at him. I kept flipping through and there was one of me winking at him, one of our hands from the day in class when he told me to write whatever came to mind, one of me looking off in the distance, and the list goes on. It's like he can take a photo with his brain of a memory and he recreates it.

After looking through his sketches for a little over an hour I noticed I'd drank all my tea, "How'd that happen, come on cup. Lets fill you up... that's what he said." I snickered to myself at the dirty joke I made and I laughed a little to much, "Gosh I need something to do with my life." I chuckled aloud, as I walked back over to the deck. "Shit!" I shrieked as my right foot slid out from under me, "What the hell?" I question looking around then I noticed a note book, "Damn you note book I spilled my tea because of you... Damn the tea!" I threw down the note book and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a towel and some cleaner and went back to the carpet.

"Finally.." I huffed after scrubbing the carpet for like 5 minutes. I took the stuff back to the kitchen then went and picked up the note book, It looked old and it said lyrics and poems in sharpie across the front. "Hmm.." I opened the book and skimmed the pages and one song inparticular caught my attention. At the top it said 'unfinished, ideas for lyrics, and song title?' The lyrics that were there were beautiful and I can't help but feel like I'd heard them before.. not like in a song but said to me. I'm not sure I can't place them. But from what i've read I think I came up with a title for his song.. and I think this might just be what we use for the recital. I went to my bag and grabbed my blue ink pen and I walked back over to the desk, at the top there was a blank spot for the title and I filled it in. After I lifted the pen from the paper I whispered the name aloud and I couldn't help but smile, "Little Things."

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