Chapter 22

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Haley's POV:

"My head.." I groan as I set up, my eyes aren't adjusting to the room without my glasses and I begin to freak out, "Where am I? Liam!" I shout and he comes running in the door, "What? What is it, are you okay?" he asks frantically, "Ohh my gosh I'm home..." I sigh in relief and he hugs me then hands me my glasses, "I'm so glad you're okay Haley." he says, "Well i'm not okay Liam, i'm pretty sure i'm going to be scared forever." I sigh and run my hands through my hair, "What happened last night Haley?" Liam asks and sits at the foot of my bed.

"We got to the restaurant and Luke got instantly pervish and I insisted on leaving and he tried touching me and I pushed him, he got mad and we left then he told me he was going to take me to his dorm and rape me. I pulled my mace out and he swerved off the rode and stopped near the soccer field, he crawled on top of me and... was about to start.. touching me then he pushed a pill in my mouth." I say and Liam looks a shade red, "Do you remember anything else?" he asks and I rethink last night, "Umm... Louis.. yes Louis! He saved me.." I say and look up at Liam, "Yeahh, he did." "Did he say anything?" I ask, "To tell you that he didn't leave you, he got you home safe, and that he waited by your side for a while." Liam says, "I remember telling him that..." I say, "Telling him what?" "Not to leave me.." I answer and Liam half smiles. "But I remember nothing after that.. what drug did Luke give me?" I ask and what little bit of a smile Liam had soon faded, "Rufilin.." he answers and looks down.

"How long was I out?" I ask, "12 hours... it's 7:30 in the morning now." he replies, "Holy shit.." "Yeah, I was getting worried but Louis said that Harry looked it up and said that you'd be out for 8 hours or more." "Woah.." "Yeah just wait till that little bastard sees me, he'll get a worse beating than Louis gave him." Liam says angrily, "Well i'd like to watch." I chuckle, "By all means, video tape it if you'd like." he chuckles, "Ha, okay I might do that. But hey I'm kinda hungry and don't wanna cook can we go to the dinning hall for breakfast?" I ask, "Yeah we can do that." "Okay, I wanna shower first then we'll go." I reply, "Okay sounds good." he says and walks out my room.

I stand and I have a slight limp, "Damn.." I mumble and finally end up making it to the bathroom. Once showered and teeth are brushed and hair is dried I pull it up slide on my glasses and go get dressed. Nike shorts, doctor who t-shirt, and sneakers are as good as it's getting today. I walk out my room and Liam is sitting on the couch, "You ready?" I ask and he stands up, "Ready when you are." "Cool lets go." I reply and we leave our flat.

It takes us longer to get there because my ankle is kinda acting up. Once there we get food and go sit down, after about 20 minutes I see Louis and Harry walk in. "Louis." I say and stand up and I look down at Liam and he nods his head I return a smile then go to Louis as fast as I can considering my foot. "Louis!" "Hales!" He says and runs to me and hugs me then swings me around causing me to laugh, he sets my feet back on the ground and his hands go on either side of my face, "Do you feel okay? You aren't hurt are you?" he asks and looks deep in my eyes then I feel the cold of metal on my cheek, "I'm okay besides a light headache, What happened to your hand?" I question and take his right hand from my cheek and his other hand goes to scratch the back of his neck, "Ohh uhh, I kinda broke two of my fingers when Luke and I got in the fight last night." "Damn Louis." I smirk and he chuckles.

"But wait how are you going to do your song in class on Monday, aren't you doing it on guitar?" I ask, "Yeah I am, I'll be able to play. I'll just strum with my thumb. But what about you, you're gonna be playing piano and your damper peddle foot still isn't healed all the way." Louis says, "Ehh I can get through it, it won't hurt me to bad." I reply and he smiles, "Well miss Brennan I'd hate to leave you in the middle of conversation but I think Harry has my food." He laughs and points behind me and I turn around to see Harry waving around Louis's food, "Okay I guess you should get going." I say then lift his hurt hand to my lips and kiss it and I feel his body go tense then it relaxes, "Get healed up Tommo you have a game next weekend." I smile and he leans forward and kisses my cheek, "Yes ma'am." he grins then walks over to Harry. I go back to Liam and he's done so we leave and go back to the flat. On they way out though I turned around and caught Louis staring at me and I waved to him and Harry and they smiled and waved back.

The rest of the day was spent at the flat watching movie marathons, practicing my song for class on Monday, and icing my ankle.

Louis's POV:

I wake up at 7:15 and can't go back to sleep so I wake Harry up and we leave the dorm and head for the nurses office. Once we get there it takes them 30 minutes to actually look at my hand. "Well Mr, Tomlinson you broke these two fingers." the nurse says and pokes at my hand and it nearly makes me say very bad things, "Okay well I kinda figured that, don't just poke at them." I say and she looks at me with pissed look then starts grabbing metal brace things for my fingers and the wrap stuff then she sets it down next to me then looks at my hand then to me again, "We're gonna need to pop the tip of your index finger back in place." she says then steady's my hand and puts her middle, index, and thumb on the side of my index finger, "On the count of three." she says and looks from me back to my hand, 1..2..3." *snap* "Ohhh my gosh! Shit. That hurt." I say and Harry starts laughing, Once my fingers are braced and wrapped i'm done, "Okay all done, and here. These are slight pain killers for your hand, take one twice a day for a week if needed 12 hours in between pills. Got it." she says and I nod, "Got it."

Now it's 8:15 and we're headed to get some breakfast, when we walk into the dinning hall the first thing I hear is my name, "Louis!" it's Haley, I scan around and see her, she's walking toward me. "Haley!" I say rather excited to be honest and I run to her and she speeds up. I engulf her in a hug and swing her around and I hear her giggle, I set her down and I place me hands on her cheeks, "Do you feel okay? You aren't hurt are you?" I ask and look in her eyes, "I'm okay besides a light headache, What happened to your hand?" she questions and takes my right hand from her cheek and I scratch the back of my neck with my free hand, "Ohh uhh, I kinda broke two of my fingers when Luke and I got in the fight last night." "Damn Louis." she smirks and it causes me to laugh.

"But wait how are you going to do your song in class on Monday, aren't you doing it on guitar?" she asks, "Yeah I am, I'll be able to play. I'll just strum with my thumb. But what about you, you're gonna be playing piano and your damper peddle foot still isn't healed all the way." I say, "Ehh I can get through it, it won't hurt me to bad." she replies and I smile, "Well miss Brennan I'd hate to leave you in the middle of conversation but I think Harry has my food." I laugh and point behind her and she turns around to see Harry waving around my food and making stupid faces, "Okay I guess you should get going." she replies then lifts my hurt hand to her lips and kisses it, I feel my body go tense then it relaxes, "Get healed up Tommo you have a game next weekend." she adds and smiles then I lean forward and kiss her cheek, "Yes ma'am." I grin then walk over to Harry.

"Ooh la la, what was that about?" Harry asks in a weird voice when I get to the table, "Shut up weirdo." I chuckle and we start to eat, I look over and see Haley going to leave with Liam and she catches me looking and she smiles then waves at us. "Dude I told you it would only take a little time." Harry says and I look back at him, "I'm going to tell her everything." "When?" "Monday I think.. after soccer practice." "Good luck mate." Harry says, "Thanks, I really feel like I'm going to need it this time." I say and Harry looks at me and picks up the apple he had with his food and he throws it at me and I catch it with my left hand, "Nah you caught it this time, you got this." he smiles then goes back to eating. I look at the apple and start to laugh thinking about that day when I told him I didn't need luck then he hit my face with an apple, "Hey Hazz.." "Yeah?" He questions and looks up and I toss the apple at his chest and it hits with a thud, "My aim improved." I laugh and he busts out laughing, "Ohh yeah you totally exploded that apple on the wall behind me that day." he laughed then took a bite out of the apple, "Yeah, well this was pretty great mate but I wanna head back to the dorm you ready?" I ask, "Yeah, lets go." Harry replies as he stands up then we leave the dinning hall.

The whole walk back all I can think about is what's going to happen on Monday when I tell Haley everything.

Authors Note: I hope y'all like this one, it was a filler chapter and I came up with it all on the spot so I hope it's good. Thanks for voting and reading, keep it up! :)

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