Chapter 15

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Louis's POV:

She shut the door then turned around and a smile spread across her face. She walked over and lifted the window and I crawled in, "Finally." I said as I pulled her to me and our lips met. The kiss lasted for a few minutes then broke, "Five." I chuckled and she giggled then walked over to her bed, "Did you see what Harry got me?" she asked through a chuckle and grabbed a small bag, "No what'd he get you?" "This." she laughed and threw a box at me, "Condoms.. classy Harold." I chuckled then started back, "Well hey if you wanna try out a birthday present i'm down with that." I laugh and she shakes her head then smiles at me, "No I think we should wait considering my brother is in the flat." "Ohh yeah, good point." I reply and it made her laugh.

"Ohh yeah I remembered I've got your birthday present, I don't know how it'll top condoms though." I chuckle, "Ohh shut up, it'll totally be better than condoms." she said and threw a pillow at me and I chuckled then I scratched the back of my head, "Close your eyes." I state and she does so with a giggle. I slowly pull the necklace box from my jacket pocket and walked over to her, "Hold out you hands." I say and her hands got out infront of her and I place the box in her hands then I lean up and kiss her forehead and whisper, "Open your eyes." her eyes open and she looks down and smiles then looks back at me, "Open it." I say with a grin spreading across my face.

She looks down and opens the box, "Oh my gosh, Louis. It's beautiful." "It's our birthstones." I say and her smile grows and she looks back down at the necklace. (The necklace I picked was a heart and on the lower left part it has white topaz for her birthstone and in the upper right it has a blue tanzanite circle) "I like the way my birthstone is inside the heart, It's like i'm in your heart. I hope to always have a place in there. I love you Haley and no matter how hard this secret relationship is sometimes we make it through. Happy Birthday love." "Aww Louis, you'll always be in my heart. I couldn't force you from it even if I tried. I love you too." Haley replied then leaned forward and kissed me, "Will you help me put it on?" she asked after the kiss ended, "Of course." I replied and took the necklace from the box and she turned around on the bed and picked up her hair.

I clasped the necklace and my fingers graze her neck when I moved my hands from the chain and I saw chill bumps pop up across her neck so I leaned forward and kissed the back of her neck and she leaned her head back, "Louis.." she said in a sing song voice and I chuckled then responded in the same way, "What?" "Oh you very well know what." she giggled and kissed my cheek then stood up and walked over to her closet, "Yeah I knew what I was doing." I chuckle and she looks at me with eyebrows raised, "Mhmm" she hums then laughs and walks into the bathroom. After a few minutes she walks out in sweatpants, a band t-shirt, her hair in a bun, and no make up. "You look amazing you know that." I say and she crawls onto the bed and curls up next to my side, "You're staying here tonight right?" she asks through a yawn and nuzzles her head in my side and I wrap my arms around her, "I'll stay with you ." I reply and lean over and kiss the top of her head.

"Good because I wasn't taking no for an answer." she giggles, "I could never say no to spending time with you." I reply and she looks up at me, "Gosh I love you. More than words can express, you know that right." she said and lightly kissed me, "I love you more than there are tides in the ocean, I love you more than a bird loves to fly, I love you more than any breath that's to be had. My love for you is infallible Haley." I reply and she sat up and looked at me and her eyes are watery, "You know how to make me cry Louis." she weakly chuckled and wiped under her eyes, "Is that a good think or a bad think?" I ask and push a lose strand of hair behind her ear, "These are happy tears, so this is a good thing." she replied and reached up to my hand that was on her cheek, she tilted her head and kissed the inside of my hand. "I never want to lose you, stay with me forever." she smiles then lays her head on my chest. "Always." I reply and kiss the top of her head then we drift to sleep in each others arms.

Authors Note: Short chapter I know I'm sorry. But there wasn't a whole lot more to do off the birthday idea, but I think that this was a really cute short chapter and I hope y'all like it. Ohh and I put a picture of the necklace in the pictures so you can see what it looks like. Thanks for reads and votes! Keep it up! :)

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