Chapter 3

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Louis's POV:

"Yeah man it was weird, no girl has ever talked to me that way." I said to Harry who was across the lunch table from me, "Well maybe you found one that knows how to actually speak her mind. Heck the way you keep bringing her up I'd say someone is developing a crush." Harry replied and moved his eyebrows up and down, "Shut up man. Besides it wouldn't work.." "Why?" "Her brother is Liam, he'd never let me date her. That and the whole shit opinion she has of me." "I knew they were step siblings." "How did everyone but me know this?" I say throwing my arms up, "You're oblivious at times Lou, But hey just sneak around with her don't get caught, Change her opinion of you." Harry said so nonchalantly, "..Yeah... I'll do that, I'll sneak." "What?" "I'll just go unseen by Liam, it couldn't be that hard could it?" "Mate he'd kill you if he saw you doing anything with her. You two can barely stand one another." "It's worth a shot Harry." "Okay dude, good luck with that." "Thanks mate, but I don't think i'll need luck." I replied with a smirk, "Ha, okay then prove it." "What?" "There she is, go work that charm Romeo." Harry said pointing behind me and I turned around and saw Haley with Niall and his girlfriend, "Liam could see." "Is the Louis Tomlinson wimping out on talking to a girl he's actually getting feelings for?" "Shut. up. Harry." "Ha, then go mate prove you don't need luck." Harry said and threw an apple at me and it hit my face, "Ohh looks like you need a little luck with catching things Lou." Harry said laughing, "Dammit Hazz!" I said standing up and grabbing my bag, "Go on then." Harry said now that my back was turned to him, I took a few steps and threw the apple up and down in my hand a few times then i turned around and waved it around to Harry and he started to laugh, "Yeah laught it up mate.." I said then threw the apple at him, "Shit!" he stammered but he ended up dodging it and it busted on the wall behind him I immediately turned and walked off and I heard him laughing and then I heard a thud and I turned around and saw him on the ground laughing and I cracked up then. I turned back around and ran right into the table Haley was at, and the sound of Harrys laughter got louder. Damn.

Haley's POV:

"What is happening at that table?" Emiliy asked and we all turned to look. There were two guys and one looked to be holding his face, "Not sure, their just being dumb boys." I replied getting a response from Niall, "Hey, Hurtful." he said laughing, "Haha, well all but you Ni, you're not dumb." "Thanks." he replied with a smile and we started to laugh next thing we knew Louis ran into our table. "Dammit!"he shouted and grabbed his hip, "Louis! are you okay?" I asked standing up and grabbing his arm, "I'm better now." he replied and glancing down at my hand on his arm then back up at me, I blushed and pulled my hand away and looked down but he turned my face back toward him, "I don't know why you're being shy, and turn away when I look into your eyes." Louis said when he looked at me again, My cheeks are apple red i'm sure know, "Hey you wanna have lunch with me? We can discuss the duet if you'd like." he said and before I knew what my mouth was doing I said yes. "Yeah.. sure." "Great, lets get going then." He replied with an adorable grin. Wait what are you thinking Haley, no don't fall for his charms.

I stood up and grabbed my bag and looked at Emily and Niall, "What are you doing?" Emily mouthed and I didn't know how to answer I only shrugged my shoulders, "Tell Li I headed to class early." "Umm okay." Niall replied and looked at Emily, we started to walk off and I looked over my shoulder and mouthed something to them, "I'm sorry.."

We reached this little cafe on campus and ordered some food then sat at a booth, "So what style do you have in mind?" he asked me, "For what?" "For when we have sex Haley, no for the duet remember we said we were going to discuss it?" "Ohh umm uhh, I- I don't know." "How about a popish sounding duet?" he asked, "Yeah that sounds fine." "Well we don't have to do that if you don't want to." "No I want too, a pop like duet sounds fun." "Okay great. But first before we continue lets get to know each other a little, That way we can maybe write easier knowing the other person better." "Umm okay, sure. You go first." I replied, "Umm lets see... what's your favorite drink?" "Tea. What's your favorite thing to do?" "Umm just to relax and be with people I love to be around. Who's your best friend?" "Umm me and my cousin Emily are pretty close but there's also her boyfriend Niall. Me, Em, Ni, and Liam are all really close. Who's your favorite person to be around?" "Probably Harry. He has been my best mate for a long time, we met when we were 10." "Ahh that's cool."I replied, "Yeahh, Umm so how long have you and Liam been step siblings?" "We met when we were 3 but we've been step brother and sister sence we were 5." "Wow long time." "Ha, yeah he's that greatest brother, we're really protective of each other." "I bet." he replied and looked down, "Umm so how about you any brothers or sisters?" "Sisters." "Ohh well that's nice." "Yeahh we're all pretty close." "That's good." "Yeahh." we seemed to have hit a dull spot in our game of questions.

Our food finally showed up and we ate in awkward silence, when we finished we sat there and I started reading a book not knowing what else to say.

"Umm so do you need to head back for class?" I heard Louis ask after a few minutes, "Yeah actually I do. My next class Liam happens to be in, and I told Em and Ni to tell him I went there early." "Ohh yeah, well come on lets get you to class." "You don't have to walk with me, you could be late for your next class." "I don't mind, I want to walk with you." he replied and stood up grabbing his bag and mine then he put out his hand for me, "Come on I don't bite, I was gonna help you up." "Okay." I replied in almost a whisper and took his hand and stood up, when I stood up he was right infront of me our chests were almost touching that's how close we were, and he just gazed into my eyes and I got lost in his as well. The sound of the clock hitting 1:00 pulled me out of my trance, "Shit it's 1:00 I'm late!" "Lets go then." Louis said lacing his fingers through mine and quickly walk towards the door, "Okay Hales we're gonna run." "Okay give me my bag." I replied and slung the straps over my shoulders, I looked up at him and he was smiling, "Why'd you want your bag?" "So you'd have a fair chance." "At what?" he asked through a chuckle and i took off running, "Race you there!" I shouted, the building was about 200 yards ahead of us we could see it from the cafe so we'll be there quick sence we're running. "Cheater!" I heard him say through a hard laugh and he sounded close, I glanced back and he was right behind me, "Scared you're gonna be beat by a girl Tomlinson?" "Nope." he replied and I looked to my left he was right beside me. We're now about 50 yards from the door of the building and we're still neck and neck. "Are you going slower on purpose to just speed up in the end?" I asked, "No, are you?" "No." "Shit." he huffed out.

Seconds later we slid to a stop at the door, "Damn why aren't you on the girls soccer team?" He asked out of breath, "Their bitches." I replied back not able to catch my breath either, and he chuckled at me response, "Well that's a good reason." he chuckled, "Yeahh." I giggled and he smiled at me, "Geez that was cute." he said and I felt my cheeks heat up, "Well I should really get in there Liam is going to know something was up." "Okay I had fun today Hales, we'll have to do it again." "You called me Hales.." I said with a smile, "Is it okay if I call you that?" "Yeah it's cool, it's kind of a nickname i've picked up." "Cool, well you can call me Louie or Lou. You don't have to call me Louis, I feel like I'm in trouble when I'm called by my first name." he chuckled, "Okay then Louie, see ya later." I smiled and waved at him before walking into the doors of the Biology building, I looked over my shoulder back at him and he caught me, "Get to class Brennan." he mouthed then winked at me causing me to blush.

What am I doing, Am I crushing on Louis??

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