Chapter 19

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Haley's POV:

(Week later)

It's been a ruff week back at school so far, from being told by Liam to try and move on constantly to Mr. Hamilton telling us to prepare songs for class for extra credit and that we'd be preforming them in class in a little over a week, then he surprised us with news of a spring recital where everyone who was partnered before will be partnered again. 'Shit.' When I looked back at Louis he was already looking at me but when we made eye contact we both looked away. And now sense it's Friday and I'm done with class for the day to clear my mind I decide to go for a run. I go back to my flat and change into my running clothes then leave to run around campus then lastly the track around the practice field. Hopefully soccer practice will be over by the time I reach the field.

I underestimated myself apparently because I ran/jogged around campus twice in 25, it's only like 3:45 and now I'm headed to run around the track a few times the guys will still be practicing... Once I'm on the track some of the guys turn and look at me, I pull out my phone and turn my music up. Now it's just the track and my earphones blasting music that're keeping me together. After jogging around once I build up a little confidence and start to run, I run it twice and now I feel like I have nothing to worry about. I look over at the track when I'm rounding it a third time running and Niall waves at me and causes me laugh. Their practicing kicking goals. I look back forward and now i'm on one of the straight away spots equal to the length of the field and when I'm about 20 ft from rounding the field a soccer ball is shanked and it flys infront of me and I trip.

After tripping on my own two feet and catching air then slamming against the ground I taste blood, "Dammit." I mumble and roll over onto my back and I lift my hand to my face, I scraped my chin on the ground and I had bitten my tongue. My earphones are on the ground next to me so I hear footsteps jogging toward me. "Are you okay?" Luke asks and I sit up, "Yeah I'm fine." "You don't look fine, are you sure?" "Yeah I'm good I swear." I reassure then stand up, I can't put to much pressure on my right ankle. I stumble and he catches me. "Haley you're not okay, I'm taking you to the nurse." Luke says and I can't really decline because I can't freaking walk. "Okay, thank you. Will you get in trouble for missing practice?" I ask, "Ohh yeah the captains over there will most likely be pissed." he says and points at Louis and Harry then picks me up and it surprises me. "Um- uh.. why, why would they be pissed?" "Come on you know the answer to that." he says and looks at me and it's weird I've never seen this side of Luke it's strange. Why's he being nice to me now?

"Hales are you okay?!" I hear Liam and Niall running up, "I scratched my chin, hurt my tongue, and twisted my ankle but other than that I'm cool." I reply and they chuckle, "Haley your eye was almost healed and now this. Be careful woman." Niall laughs then pats my shoulder then runs back to the team, "Luke do you want me to take her to the nurse?" Liam asks, "No I got it." Luke says and looks at me then smiles, "No I'll take her. The big game is coming up y'all need as much practice as you can get. We're not going to make it to the championship with shitty players." Harry says then takes me from Luke's arms and puts my feet lightly on the ground. "You're gonna piggy back it, jump Hales." Harry says and I do so and he catches me. "Luke get your arse on the field, go!" Harry commands then he looks at Liam, "I'll take her to the nurse and I'll get her back home, you have nothing to worry about." Harry reassures and Liam nods his head, "Thanks mate." he replies then jogs back to the guys, when I look over my shoulder I see Louis, he was closer to us then he was before the ball was kicked. Was he going to help me?

Louis's POV:

(Soccer practice)

"Yeah earlier in the week we got partnered again for the spring recital." I tell Harry as we walk onto the field, "I'm sorry Lou, I hate you had to do what you did." he replies and pats my shoulder. I told Harry the whole story so he knows everything that happened. "It's okay.. I- I just miss her so much. and now we're gonna be doing partner work again and I don't know if I can go through with it." "Mate you'll be just fine, hell the two of you could get back together and be stronger than ever, you never know." Harry says and tosses the ball bag down, "Maybe.. You have know idea how much I want that.. but I don't know how she feels toward me." "It'll all work out for what's best mate just give it some time." he replies, "Thanks.." "Don't mention it." he grins then gets a ball and kicks it onto the field, "Get a ball and come on Louise!" Harry shouts and I started to laugh, "Okay Harriet I'm coming!" I shout back and he laughs, I get a ball and kick it around until I reach Harry.

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