Chapter 24

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Haley's POV:

The school day went by slowly, then the time I had to burn before meeting Lou went slow as well, but now it's finally 6:50 and I leave the flat to go meet Louis. On the walk over my mind runs rampant and I get really nervous. When I get to the field it's 7:00 and Louis is kicking around a soccer ball in the center of the field.

"Hey Lou." I say as I walk toward him, "Hey! I'm glad you came. I was worried that you actually wouldn't come." "Of course i'd come." I reply, "Well i'm glad you did." he smiles and it goes quiet, "Sooo.." "Ohh yeah, here sit on the blanket there's probably going to be a good amount of talking so we can sit instead of standing for a while." He says and gestures to the blanket and I sit down then he joins me. "Okay you ready?" he asks and smiles weakly, "I think i'm as ready as I can be." I reply.

"Okay so lets start at freshman year." "Freshman year?" "Yeah there's some important stuff in that year." "Okay.." "Okay so where was I.. right freshman, Me and your brother were pretty good mates we had a dorm and it seemed that nothing was gonna go wrong. Then we figured out that when I.. drink I sleep with people.." "Lucy." "Well yes she was one but I'm not done yet." "Oh sorry, continue." "There was a girl and her sister before Lucy.. Tina and Ella." "Damn Louis." "I know.. my reputation as the douche bag who had sex with random girls was true.." "Yeahh.." "But one day that all changed." "In freshman year?" I ask, "Yeah, I heard a girl singing one day when I was on the way to soccer practice." "Did you sleep with her to?.." I say aloud before I knew what I was saying and I instantly covered my mouth after I said it.

 "Well it depends on if she still would even want to.." "What?" "The girl has wavy auburn hair, freckles, and glasses. I don't know if you know her or not." Louis says and shyly smiles up at me. "Me?" I question then it hits me he just said he'd have sex with me, I feel my cheeks go hot and I look down, "Yeah you." he lightly chuckles, "I heard you singing the song Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus, I don't know what came over me but I knew that I wanted to get to know you after I heard you sing... It's a rather ironic song you happened to be singing." he weakly laughs then rubs the back of his neck then looks at me.

"You never said anything to me.." I reply, "I was going to but something happened I didn't plan on." "Ohh.." "The party after the championship game happened.. I got drunk.. and uhh, that's how I ended up sleeping with Lucy." "Ahh.." I say quietly and look down at my hands. "There's not a day that goes by Haley that I don't regret that.. I hate that I become that person when I drink. I don't know what comes over me... I hate that part of me.." He whispers and looks down, "Louis, I don't know if I can handle this." I say and have to bite my lip, "Wait there's one more thing that goes with that topic.." "Lou.." "Please, I want to tell you everything." "..Okay." I whisper, he takes a deep breath then starts.

"It was the night before the first day of this school semester.. there was a party." "I remember that, Liam asked me to come like 5 times." "I wish you would have because what I'm about tell you probably wouldn't have happened.." "What?" "Do you remember why I had to start taking music theory?" "You were late or something like that?" "Yeahh something like that.. at the party I got drunk and ended up going to some girls dorm and we slept together.. I woke up and had I splitting headache then I saw the girl I freaked out, I noticed I was in her dorm and when I left I had to run across campus to my dorm to shower change clothes and get my school stuff, that's how I ended up late. and that's the whole story." "Hmm..." I hum and run my hands through my hair.

"Haley please say something.." "I don't know what to say.." "Are you mad at me?" "No.. all that happened before we knew each other. I knew how you were when I started sneaking around with you Louis. I figured you'd done stuff in your past. I'm not going to hold that against you." I say and look at him, "Really?" "Yes Lou." "You still like me even after I told you all of that?" "I don't like you.. I love you Louis, and just because you did some stuff in your past before you knew me doesn't make me love you less. You had a life before me." I say and he smiles, "You still love me?" "I never stopped." I grin, "Even after.. the way I broke up with you?" he said quietly and shook his head, "I knew that wasn't you saying those words. I knew you were put up to it. But not gonna lie it hurt, it hurt like a bitch." I say and the feeling I felt that night came back when I look at Louis's facial expression 

"I'm so sorry Haley.." "You don't have to apologize Louis." "But I want too, I havn't talked to you like really talked to you in 2 1/2 weeks.. do you know how bad that was on me? and then I had to watch you talk to Luke... then he did what he did.. and I was about ready to kill him, and all I wanted to do was hold you close and tell you that it wasn't real, that none of it happened.. but it did. and I can't change that.." he says and his eyes get a little glassy looking, then he continues, "and if I would have listened to what my heart was telling me that night none of this.. shit would have happened." he whispers and looks down.

"Ohh Lou, you did what you thought was best.. Love it's okay." I say and a tear runs down my cheek and I scoot closer to him and tilt his head up, "Louis none of what happened in our pasts matter, and nothing that has happened in these past 2 1/2 weeks really matters.. I feel the same as I did the first time I realized I loved you. But question is how does that boy feel about that wavy haired, freckle faced dork of a girl?" I giggle, "What kind of a question is that?" he smiles then pulls me down on top of him, "Tell me if this answers your question." he says then kisses me. The kiss was not just a kiss, it was all those unspoken words put into one single emotion, love. It was so filled with passion. He wouldn't ever need to tell me again how much he missed me because that kiss told me everything.  Then when it broke I didn't want it to stop.

"I think he feels the same." I giggle, "Damn right he does." he chuckles then kisses me again and rolls over so i'm under him, "God I missed kissing you." he smiles then kisses me again, "I missed those sweet kisses on the forehead." he says then kisses my forehead, "I missed the stolen kisses on the cheek." he smiles then kisses both my cheeks causing me to giggle, "But this spot here.." he says and traces my bottom lip with his thumb "I missed it the most of all my kiss spots." he says and leans down so close our lips brush then he leans near my ear, "Miss Brennan I have a question." he whispers then looks at me, "Ask me anything?" I reply and he smiles, "Will you be my girlfriend.. again." he chuckles and it causes me to chuckle, "Of course." I smile and he smiles that amazing smile that i've missed. "Now come here you tease." I say and pull him to me, "Ooh kinky." he laughs and I press my lips to his.

Time flys by now and me and Louis are laying out under the stars and i'm cuddled up to his side, "Haley.." "Yeah?" "This time i'm not gonna hide it, if I want to kiss you or hug you when we're around people i'm totally doing it, I won't hesitate a second." "Good, same goes for me." I chuckle and he kisses the top of my head. "Sounds great." he whispers and I sit up and look down at him and lightly kiss his lips, "Love i'm getting kinda tired.." I say, "Do you wanna just come back to my dorm sense it's late and we're here on campus." "I think I better get back to the flat I told Liam I was making him breakfast in the morning." I chuckle, "Ha, well okay I'll walk you home." he says and stands up.

When we're outside of where my flat is Louis pulls me in for a hug and it lasts a few minutes then he kisses my forehead then rests his forehead against mine, "Get in there Brennan." he whispers and kisses me again then I start up the stairs, when i'm at the fourth floor I lean over the railing and catch Louis before he starts to walk off, "Hey Lou!" I whisper shout, "Yeah?" he replies and looks up, "About the auburn girl ever even wanting to sleeping with you.. I think your chances are pretty high." I smirk and Louis's mouth drops, "Get in your flat woman. You can't just tell me that then walk away." he smirks and chuckles a little, "Ohh yeah I forgot that part." "What part?" "The part when I walk away making you want me." I say and stick my tongue out at him then I turn and walk to my door.

 Once inside I go to my room considering it's 12:15 and I shut my door then pull out my phone, I call Louis. "Hello tease." he chuckles when he answers, "Hey ho, so I forgot to tell you I love you so I thought I'd call and tell you." I say and he laughs, "You just called me a ho then just kept on going with what you had to say." he says through his laugh, "Yepp." I giggle, "Well get on with it woman." he chuckles, "Fine, I love you." I giggle, "I love you more." he replies, "I love you most." I reply, "Not possible." he adds and it makes me smile, "Good night Louie." "Good night Hales." he says then the call ends. 

I can't really express how I feel right now, but if I had to say anything.. it would be.. complete and utter happiness.

*Authors Note: I hope y'all like this chapter, it took a little bit considering all the conversation that happens, I hope it's good. Continue to vote and read, thanks loves! :)

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