Chapter 18

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Haley's POV:

"Ughh why does my head hurt so bad?" I mumble and sit up, that's when I notice I'm on my bed. "What?!" I snap and my eyes open wide and I look to my right, and there sits Liam. "Why am I here?" I ask, "I accidentally elbowed you when I was going to hit Louis, you blacked out." "How long was I out?" "Like 15 minutes." "What'd you do to Louis?" I ask getting concerned, "Nothing Haley, when I hit you I freaked out and brought you straight home. But you won't be seeing Louis again." he stated firmly, "The hell I can't he's my boyfriend Liam." I snap back, "Haley what I said goes now drop it." he said raising his voice a little, "You can't keep us apart!" "Try me!" "Ughh! Why do you hate him so much?!" I shout, "I have my reasons Haley!" "Just leave.. get out of my room Liam." I say in almost a whisper, "I can't stand the sight of you right now." I add and turn my back to him, I hear him sigh and few seconds pass then he walks off and the door closes behind him.

I jump up and grab my vans then go out my window, I'm still in my dress but I don't care. I just want Louis right now. Once down the fire escape I gather up my dress and hold it in my right hand then I start running. I get to his dorm building and run up the stairs till i'm at the floor his room is on. When I'm at his door I turn the knob, it's unlocked.

"Louis.." I say as I push the door open and I see a figure standing at the window and his forehead is against the glass, his room is dimly lit by a lap in the corner and the moon light coming through the window so I can't tell if it's him, "Haley?" "Louis!" "Oh my god Hales, are you okay?" Louis questions and comes up to me and his hands are on either side of my face. "Are you okay?" I ask and he chuckles, "I'm okay, but are you?" he asks again and his thumbs rub my cheeks and I flinch a little when I feel pain go through my left cheek and I accidentally hit his hand away, "Oww that hurt. I'm sorry." I whisper and I my hand finds its way to my throbbing cheek. "No need to apologize.. Let me look at it." he says in a calming voice and he moves my hand from my cheek, "Yeah he got you good, you have a slight black eye and your cheek is kinda swollen." he says then kisses my cheek where it hurts, "How'd it happen?" I ask, "You came running up and I saw you but Liam didn't, he pulled his arm back to hit me and when he did his elbow caught you." he stated and kissed my cheek again then he dropped his hand and backed away from me and looked down and ran his hands through his hair.

"What is it?" I ask and he looks up at me with a conflicted look. "What?" I ask again as worry starts to set in, "Haley I don't know how this is going to work." "What do you mean Louis?" I ask and step toward him. "I don't see how we can make this work, Liam hates me. This will never work right." he states and looks down and shifts to the side and the light hits his eyes and I can see that there glassy and that's when my first tear falls. I know he's being serious because he's almost crying.

"Why does he hate you?" I ask, "It was in the past Haley I don't wanna talk about it." he says and sniffles, "We can make it work. I don't care what happened in your past Lou." I say shakily, "Haley I don't know." "Why? Why are you doing this?!" "Haley don't get mad." "I'm not mad, I want to know why!... Just please.. give me a good reason, because you said we don't need his approval. If that was true and you believed it then this wouldn't be happening!" "Haley of course I want his approval! I don't want you to lose him. I'd rather you lose me than him! Just please tell me you understand this..." he whispers and I see a tear go down his cheek, "Do you want me to go?" I ask as the tears continue to fall, "No Hales.. but it's for the best." he stated and another tear slipped from his eyes and he placed his hand on my right cheek and I pushed it away, "For who.. for you? This might be 'best' in your eyes but for me.. this is no where near anything good Louis!" "Hales-" "No. Listen to me." I state and he nods his head.

"You are giving up. You're giving up on us Louis.." I whimpered and the tears started to fall faster and blur my vision. "Haley-" he starts but I stop him, "Let my finish." I say in almost a whisper then I continue. "You said I was in your heart, how could you do this to someone you said you'd never hurt? I would never do this to you.. You're in my heart Louis.." I whisper and my hand finds its way to my necklace, "Do you remember telling me that?" I whisper and he nods his head and several tears fall from his eyes and he bites his lip and looks away from me. "This is over isn't it." I whisper and then I lose all control on holding back from crying. "Yes..." he whisperers and now he's crying almost like I am. 

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