Chapter 7

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                                                                              (Sofia's P.O.V.)

I opened my eyes and saw Niall was carring me into the house. I quickly shut my eyes again so he wouldn't put me down. I felt myself being put on a couch. "Put her there Niall." I heard Melanie say. "I already did." I acted like I just woke up and fluttered my eyes open. I saw we were in a very old place because there were spiderwebs in every corner. It looked like a haunted house. "We all knew you were faking." Daisy said. Liam had his arm over her. Wow, how much have I missed. "Yeah, we did." Harry said crossing his arms.

"Okay, I did. Where are we." "Melanie's crazy old house." Zayn sat next to me. "You guys finally know our names?" I said raising a eyebrow. "I know yours, it's Sofia." Niall said. I smiled at him. "It's Sofia, Daisy, and Melanie." Harry said. "Yup." We said.

CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! I got up to see what it was. I slid off the curtains and saw photograghers taking pictures. "Oh, no!! The paparzzi found us!!!" Louis yelled. All the boys ran to a room. "You said the paparzzi was gone!!" I said to Melanie. "I don't know how they find people. They're the paparzzi!!" "We need to calm down." Daisy closed the curtains. "We need to find the boys before they get into trouble." Daisy ran to one of the first bedrooms she saw. "Aw, more than likely they're in trouble." Melanie said looking over too me. I laughed, "She still doesn't know the ways of teenaged boys."

                                                                      (Melanie's P. O. V)

We both walked into the bedroom and saw Daisy under the bed still looking for them. I kneeled down on the dirty floor, "I don't think five teenagers would fit under a bed." She crawled out. "I'm just trying-"

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We all groaned and followed where the screaming came from. It was the kitchen. When we got there we saw Louis and Niall eatting. Louis was eating two carrots at the same time and Niall was eating what looked like pizza. "Why were you guys screaming?" Sofia said. "Zayn said he would straighten my curls, so I threated to throw away all of his mirrors, so then he screamed like a girl." We all bursted out laughing. "It's not funny." Zayn crossed his arms and made a pouty face. "Of course it's not Zaynie poo." I patted him on the back.

"Why are you eating the food here? You don't know how old they are." Sofia said stepping closer to Niall and louis. "I don't care." Louis said. "Are you sassn' me?" "Did you sass her?" Melanie said. "Oooh, girls are gonna beat you up!!" Niall said with a mouthful of food. Louis slowly stepped around the counters and ran into the living room. Me and Melanie ran after him. We caught him and pushed him on the couch. I pulled his hands over his head. "Let's do what we do to people who sass us." Sofia said smiling. We started tickling him and he started laughing like he wasn't human. I looked up and saw a old lady. "Uumm, hi there." I waved to her. She wasn't smiling. "Sofia!!! You have copany!!!" Sofia and Louis looked up. "Guys time to go!!" Sofia yelled.

They came out and froze when they saw her. "We are sorry we came in your home." Harry walked to her. "Get out you weirdo teens!!" She started hitting Harry with her purse. "Well there's no sugar on that." Sofia said and walked to the front door. I followed her and so did the rest of them did too. "I need a little help guys!!" Harry shouted. "Fine." I when over to the old lady and pulled her off Harry. "Let's go." We walked down to the driveway and got into the van. "I'll drive." Sofia said. "I call the passenger seat." I said. "Darn it." Harry said. "Where do we go now?" Sofia said as we settled into the van. 

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