Chapter 20 - Rivals Meet

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Cris then gave his order. "I will also have the salmon, but with the mixed vegetables."

"I'll take those menus and place your orders for you," the waiter said with a smile.

"Thank you." And, then, he left.

"So, how does it feel, being married to a charmingly gorgeous man?"

There is that cockiness back. I put my hands on Cris's cheeks and moved his face close to mine so that I could kiss those lips. "It feels great, gorgeous. I have what I always wanted - my knight in shining armor. How about you?"

"I love saying 'my wife.' And I love the fact that I chose the right one to spend the rest of my life with. I feel whole now that you are with us. I did feel lost for a while because of being a father to twins. It was rough, but I made it with the help of my family and Alicia's family. I love them so much. They are my heart and soul. I'll take you to meet Alicia's parents one day."

" Of course, I'm nervous."

"You don't have to be nervous. The most important thing for me was to find someone who loved not just me but my kids. I thought it would be Candi. But it wasn't. And, plus, she was racist towards my kids. I will not tolerate it towards my kids, you, or anyone else. When I saw how loving you were towards them, I knew you were the one. And, now, I feel complete - with you, Dia and Rocco."

Cris picked up my hands and started planting kisses all over them. "I love you, Mrs. Fiore."

"I love you too, gorgeous. We are going to do all we can to make our marriage last forever. Excuse me while I find the ladies' room."

Cris' POV

I can't believe how lucky I am to have her as my wife - my partner for life.

I was snapped out of my train of thoughts by someone I was in no mood to talk with - Chase Dalton. He is my rival in the wine industry, and he owns one of the hottest clubs in California. Sometimes, I believe he is copying me. Of all places, we see him in the Virgin Islands. I'm guessing he saw me because he started walking towards me.

"Well, well, well, if it is Mr. Cris Fiore."

This guy always brings out the worst in me.

"What do you want, Chase?"

"Just to say hi to a friend," he says. We are far from friends.

"We were friends, remember? But you ruined that friendship a long time ago, remember? " 

"Cris, Cris, Cris, let's leave the past in the past. Besides, we aren't together anymore anyway. Miranda cheated on me not too long after we got together."

"The two of you belonged together, and that's what you get. That is not the only thing that irritates me. It's the fact that you always seem to compete with me. You own a winery and a nightclub."

Thank goodness I see Kamea coming back so this fool can leave me alone. As soon as Kamea sat down, I saw Chase staring at her like he wanted to have sex with her.

"And who is this beautiful woman that is present?" Chase said.

"This is 'my wife,' Kamea."

"Well, hello there, Mrs. Kamea. My name is Chase Dalton."

"It's nice to meet you, Chase."

I could see him eyeing her up and down, which was pissing me off.

"I am good friends with your husband here," he said, knowing he was lying through his teeth.

"We used to be friends."

Kamea looked at me with a puzzled look on her face. Thank goodness the waiter just brought out our food.

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