Very Very Single

52 9 7

Stan's POV

"Language!" Mom spat, coming closer to my desk.
"Uncle Stan, you sleep like a monster!" Gabe, my youngest and naughtiest cousin laughed.
My mom laughed too and soon I was finally out of my sleep zone.
I rushed to my mom to give her the longest hug ever. I kisser her on her cheeks and she kissed mine too.
"Mum!" I said smiling, still surprised that she's here .
"I missed you too baby" she said.
Then we pulled apart and I went to choke Gabe in a hug and ruffled his hair as he laughed .
"What're you guys doing here?" I asked .
"Stan?" Mom ignored my question and called.
"Why don't you pick my calls?" She asked ,checking out my office.
"You called? Oh I must have been busy" I said blankly.
"OK, Ben's calls?" She asked.
" what? Ben? He's a pain in the neck Mom " I confessed.
"Look he's calling " I showed her the screen of my phone..
"Way to go Ben, thanks for telling on me" I blamed him.
"Stan,shut up. Your mom and Gabe are on their way to your office. I tried calling but you OBVIOUSLY didn't pick. So I texted her the address " he said.
"Yeah,whatever, they're here now so bye!" I hung up.
"Dont touch that!" I screamed at Gabe trying to pick one of the ornaments on the walls.
"Uncle Stan? You look fat" he said as he jumped down from the chair.
"Say what now?"
" yeah, I was about to say that too " mum concurred.
I know I'm not fat so I won't even listen to them. I don't gain weight. That, I know.
"Shut up both of you" I said and returned to my seat.
They burst into a very loud laughter and I had to re mind them that they're in an office.
"I'm joking baby, anyways " mom started
"Gabe here has been suspended from school for three weeks and his mom is in India so I brought him here for you to take over" she said.
"I'm lost, take over what?" I asked , wrinkling my forehead.
"Y'know, just have some man to man talk on how fighting in school is bad and yeah other stuffs, that's pretty much it" she explained.
I nod in reasoning and call Gabe to sit.
"You know fighting in school is bad? You don't let your anger take over you huh , " I tried.
"But Justin is a bully and he beat up my best friend" Gabe whined.
And soon he started crying on how he always gets punished for helping.
"That's good sweety, so his bags are already in your place so you should have fun" she said blowing a kiss and hurrying off.
"What bags?" I asked.
"Oh mine" Gabe answered.
"I'm staying with you now" he giggled happily with a touch of his crying voice.
" yeah bye "  mom ran off.
That crazy woman, I'm so mad right now. I'm barely doing good with myself and she brings another and a younger me to take care of?
" we're going to have so much fun" Gabe laughed as he ran round the room
Today can't get any worse.
Trust me.

"Uncle Stan? Can we go get smoothies?" Gabe whined.
I face palmed internally. Its all begin.
With Gabe around, nobody does anything he doesn't like, he's a spoiled cute cousin.
"Okay okay, let me round up" I surrendered .
I dialed a number to call Courtney to come over .
As I was done packing and picking up the car keys , Courtney came in and at the sight of Gabe, she gave in.
She totally went on her knees to hug him like they've known each other.
I smirked.
"Who's the cake?" I heard her ask Gabe as she pinched his cheeks and hugged him .
"He's my cousin, and we're  on our way to get smoothies " I answered.
He's so cuuteeee" she squeaked.
" I know right? He's the younger me" I added.
" you wish" Courtney hissed and continued squeezing Gabe .
She finally stood up and let Gabe free.
"Sir, you know about what's happening tomorrow right?" She asked.
"And what may that be?" I asked.
"There's a welcome ceremony for Ms Brianna tomorrow, she's the owner of the company and had been off to new York city and some other states business wise, so she coming tomorrow to this branch and that's when the new staff are introduced to her and all ,so you're coming?" She said more like in a command tone.
"I'll try" I answered honesty.
I'm not interested in who the owner is or what she's like.
God! I hate all these stupid formalities.
"Can we go already" Gabe pulled my arms.
" sure, see ya" I told court.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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