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Stan's POV

The hug went on for about minutes after some reasuring pep talk that all will be fine and good soon. We pulled away from the hug. I already started missing the motherly comfort I was getting , I haven't cried this way in so long. And its really shocking that I could be this dramatic,I myself,have noticed how I've been  acting up since i got the news and its just sureal to me,i dont want to change 'me' because of my fathers death N.O No! I growled inwardly, this better stop.


Its been two months since my father passed away and   We had concluded all that had to do with his funeral ceremony and burial rites. That day left a scar in my heart as i remember all the mournful faces of relatives and friends standing hat in hand on the wet grass of the cemetery that night,May his soul rest in peace.

Since that day my life routine has just been me staying at home entertaining guests who have come long journeys to give out their condolensces at days ,then at night i snuggle up with my mom after dinner to watch movies or chat about the next chapters of our lives, well its just my mom giving me talks about her next chapter,I,on the contrary ,don't have anything planned out for it, I'll just see where it takes me and right now I'm  enjoying the company of my mom as the spoilt rich young man that i am.  It'll eventually have to end because more work awaits at our company after this short leave I gave myself .
I groaned at the thoughts of more work,since I just inherited a lot from my father,all his other companies and shares and partnership deals with other companies  will now be in my name and I'll have to take full responsibility for all of this in honor of my dad.

Speaking of honor,the city of New York had been giving my dad his honor but in an amount considered too much,there was a solemn procession on the street to honor his work for their land and for other reasons I don't know. Don't get me wrong,it's a good thing that all these things were happening to pay tribute and to  acknowledge their gratitude and appreciation to my late father,but it doesn't help me recover from his sudden death,I certainly don't want to be constantly reminded about my grief,but it's hard when it's flooding all social media  and even on posters on street walls in some places. I need to move on,i need to escape from this jail,and that's how I came up with the idea of going on a vacation,nowhere in mention though, just anywhere aside this city. I mentally high-five myself for that incredible idea and I feel a smirk coming on as I get lost in thoughts of where to go then fall asleep with a smile, Ah,it's been long.

I wake up with the creepiest smile on my face,this whole vacation thing has got me really good,I mean,when last did I wake up with a smile like this.
"Maybe this is just what I need , a vacation" I say smiling ,then I choke on how bad my breath stinks,so I get up and got freshened.

I went downstairs and saw my mom already waiting for me on the breakfast table,so I gave her a peck on her cheek,"Good morning mom" I faced her with a smile " how was your night?" I asked as I danced to my seat I'm a bad dancer though. "Someone's in a good mood today?" She asked with a questioning smile as to what could have made me so bright this morning.
"Actually,yes mom. I have good news and bad news,but I'm happy because of the good news though" I winked at her. The chef placed our meals and we dug in right away into our plates . "Which am I hearing first?" She asked as she took a sip from her glass of orange juice.
"The bad news of course comes first" I stated with an 'obviously' look. "Hmmm,Stan you've not been this happy about something for a while now, please tell me so I can soak up some of your joy" she said
"Well from now mom you should be too. I mean,I'm ready to move past all this,I think it's high time we stopped letting the past take our joy away, and with that,drumroll please?" I laugh as mom start making noise on her plate with her cutlery and also as she fumbles.
"You ready?"
"Shoot me!" She screams with laughter.
"I'm leaving" I say,eventually and I see her smile turn down.
"Come on mom,don't be sad" I say reaching for her palms
"I'm not" she admits. "I'm actually happy you've decided to go back to your house,I don't want to be the mother who keeps her son from progressing" she said softly avoiding eye contact.
"Mom I'm not..."
"It's ok Stan, really, to be honest I was going to bring it up this morning but you seemed so happy ,I didn't want to spoil your mood or something " she softly,as she wipes her mouth with a napkin.
"Mom I'm not going back to my house, well I'll have to so I can get some stuff i need for the vacation I'm taking  whuch is what  I'm actually talking about" I smile at her.
"Oh,a vacation?from What exactly?" She asked confused.
"From all this drama and this sad lifestyle we've picked up after the cause of dad's death, and I figured there was no way to do that here in this city,you know? I almost feel like I'm suffocating in this place mom" I explain to her as I finish my cup of coffee.
"You're right son, I totally understand,that's good for you. So where exactly are you going for this vacation?" She asked.
"Kansas city" I State blankly as I see her eyes widen in shock
"Mom you need to learn another way to express surprise ,you can burn someone with those blue eyes" I said ,as she hit me softly.
"But why Kansas? I mean it's a nice city but what made you choose it?" She asked .
"Well,no reason in particular just want to explore and relax and Google also recommended there so?" I answered, though we were done with eating we still sat  there discussing until the chef came to clean up.
So we moved to the living room just across the dining an settled in.
"Interesting ,ok,sure. Can I tell you something?" She asked with a funny smile crawling her lips.
"What mom?" I asked nonchallantly
"When I saw you so happy the first thing that popped up in my head was that you had met someone, you know,someone you like" she winked.
This woman has the fastest ability to translate any slight hint into getting married ,last month,she saw asked if I met someone just because I shaved my beards.
"Mom,please stop" I groaned honestly tired of her relentless nagging to get married soon.
"You know you're not getting any younger son,and girls of these days seem to be attracted to younger men,I'm just telling you so you can use this Kansas opportunity to make romantic acquaintances " she winked,again. She should stop that,she looks funny,and In a bad way.

I glare at her as she stops talking about marriage then she raises her hands in surrender and smiles.

Her smile can light the universe, it's so beautiful and genuine and it makes me happy to see that she's slowly but finally getting over the past. I had gotten so used to seeing her eyes red from all the crying and watching her stare at dad's pictures in her album weeping that I forgot how angelic she could be when she smiled. My mom is the most beautiful woman I know ,with the most charming blue eyes and smooth silky blonde hair.
Her skin used to be better than how it is now because I guess she felt it was no point for her to adorn her body since her husband died,but I'm sure it'll glow up as soon as she starts taking proper care of it again. Thoughts of her being alone in this mansion without me began to taunt me,I left my home about some days after she told me dad had died and ever since I loved it and I cherish every single moment about being here,the sad and the happy parts,the good and the bad. And it's hurts for me to think of  leaving her here all alone.
"What about you Mom? Would you be ok? If not I won't mind canceling my trip" I said softly as I look at her eyes.
"Stan you don't have to,I'm happy you've decided to take this trip,really. And I'm not going to be alone because I'll be busy with work from Monday too,and someone has to entertain those mourning guests we still get you know?" She smiled .
"So when do you plan on going cos I have plans for your room?" She asked.
"What? Mom don't even think of touching my door knob " I said,as she laughed her silliness away.
The day went on quickly because I ran to escape from my mom's questioning on what I've planned  to do for the trip and If I'll promise to be safe with a girl.

The next morning I was ready to take my belongings back to my house and prepare for the trip,so I got down and kissed mom a good morning ,ate breakfast and headed for the doors
"Ok mom" I groan
"Oh and also remember not eat seafood you're allergic"
"Mom I'm aware of allergies, thanks anything else?" I ask frowning.
"Yes, don't kiss girls with braces remember your experience with keke, you don't want to be puking over Kansas ladies" she warned.
"What the? Mom! That was over 5 years ago,how can you even still recall that,and keep your voice down" I scolded as I heard some chuckles from the maids helping with my luggage to the car.

"Oh and one more thing Stan" she called out.
"No mom,that's all,I'm 22 not 9 years old" I said while taking long strides away from her .
"No this is serious,come back,and you're still 21 boy you still have some months" she added but now shes put on her serious face walking towards the car with me.

"So what about work? , you just got the company handed over to you and you want to leave the city soon,so what are you doing about that?"  She asked curious.

"I'm holding all that up,at least for a while ,till I return. And even if I don't return early, I'll have Sasha handle it ". I told her.

Sasha's my dad's assistant, or ..
WAS his assistant. She's a pretty tall lady ,almost my height ,slim and very flirty .She's thrown some shots at me but nahh ,she's too old,around her mid thirties or so. She's very hard working and I sure can leave the entire business in her capable, soft and flirty hands.

"And how long do you intend on staying?" She asked with a stern look .
She can serious sometimes too
"Not sure yet,but it shouldn't exceed a month" I say blankly as I open the car door about to enter.
"What if it exceeds?" She asked fixing my collar and smoothening my shirt.
"You never know Mom, you never know what Kansas city holds for me" I smile down at her reassuring her I'll be ok as i see her frowning .

"You'll love the place baby,and yes ,well never know what it holds till you get there "she kisses me cheek and I get into the car.
"Bye stan" she says,as she catches a tear rolling down.
"Bye mom" I reply her with a small smile .
Oh! The bitter sweet feelings I get leaving this house ,it gets overwhelming.

The drive back home was silent and short ,and as soon as I got home, all I had to do was to pack all the necessary things and sleep.

I've been to so many countries and states ,either on vacation or business trips ,but I must say,the feeling I'm getting at the moment for this trip can't seem to get into words. All I have is to hope for good. God help me.

A lot of emotions flying around this chapter right?
Dun! Dun! Dun!
Here onforth starts the drama we've all been drooling for. Let's see what awaits Stan on this mysteriously exciting journey.
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