New friends

43 11 4

" kiss me Stan " coffee asked.
"No kiss ME Stan" another coffee asked.
As dumfounded as I was I leaned in for a kiss and kissed the first coffee.
I then noticed, the other coffee slowly fade away into thin white dust. She disappeared.

" shit shit shit shit " I spat jump-flying away from my bed and looking at it from the side as if it was to blame for this dream.... No nightmare.
I quickly wrapped my sweatpants (which I unconsciously threw out from my legs while sleeping) around my middle area still standing like I just saw a ghost.

The hell!
What was that all about?
In the dream/ nightmare, there were two coffees
Pfft, two coffees.
OK so I'll just call one coffee and tea the other.
So much for the name giving.
I should work at the name giving factory.

Coffee's personality was the same as the one on the plane - sassy, cold,harsh,sexy,and commanding.
While Tea- the complete opposite, warm, sweet, nice and all.

Coffee asked for the kiss first and I kissed her, passionate and warm. As I withdrew from the  kiss, I saw Tea fade away into dust.
What the?
Is this some kind of Cinderella's fairy godmother fading away  scenario?.
So daft.

Seeing Tea go like that was very agonizing and heart breaking .
I felt that feeling, you know it already.
Had I known that it'll be like this, I would have kissed tea. But there was still a thought that the same thing would happen to coffee if I eventually kissed tea.
I didn't know a kiss could be more complicated than just lips touching.
All these just seems absurd like for crying out loud, coffee is the only coffee. OK, this is already confusing me.
OK, so the reason why coffee and tea is fake is because there's only one coffee in the whole world. I like that coffee cold as usual.

I'm confusing myself more than you're already confused.
Ughh, I have to give them real names . no no no. I have to give HER a real name.. Yeah, coz there's only one coffee, no tea.
One coffee , no tea.
Got it?.
Got it

I get myself away from my trance I notice the smell of barbecue coming from downstairs. Why though?.
Ben and I planned on going out for lunch.
"I should get dressed" I said, walking towards the bathroom.
After freshening up, I moved downstairs and noticed the sun still very warm and scorching my eyes because it was very dark in my room.
I moved to the kitchen area.
"Morning, Mr Stan" James greeted.
" morning?" I asked, confused.
I just slept like an hour ago after my flight and rested so that Ben and I could get some lunch afterwards.
"Yes sir" James said, laughing softly.
I ran towards the huge clock hanging near the dining area.
"Oh wow!",I heard myself laugh.
"Mr Ben sent me to wake you up for lunch about  thirteen hours ago, but you were asleep, so he asked me to make dinner for you, but still you were asleep. So I'm making breakfast now, glad you're awake Sir" James finished, smiling.
picture of James

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