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Stan's POV

Woken by the rays of sun barging through the open windows , I sat up on my bed feeling weak and beaten out. Without  memories of last night , I wondered what would have caused the headache.

My phone buzzed and on the screen showed Wake up! Your office is a 15 minutes drive. Check your mail for the directions and please take your time to brush your teeth.
Ben must have left for work too, if at all I didn't remember anything, the fact that I had work the next day kept ringing in my head throughout my sleep.

I dropped my phone and removed my naked body from under the sheets and bent to pick up the tossed clothes then headed to the bathroom.
I took a quick strong bath and combed my hair all back, showing off my jawline. I wore a gray waistcoat and black shirt then a red tie and put on the checkered blazer.
Looking good Stan.
I winked at myself in the mirror and said a short prayer, from my room , I went down the stairs to get the car keys and left.
I heard and ignored James invite for breakfast. He sighed a little to loudly and I turned to him , he ran into the house and shut the door. Better!

Taking directions from the GPS as Ben had set. I got there in about 19 minutes.
My eyes caught the magnificent building made with glasses all through and on the top was a huge BRIANNA'S label which in fact sounded weird to my hearing.
What a goofy name for a company like this, I'd give that name to a gold fish when I get one.

Beside the building were few other structures and a some other things I couldn't define. I took out my phone and scrolled up Ben's text to check for the name of the man I'm supposed to meet. Mr Barker. Oh cool then!

I moved into the building the towards the front desk area.
"Mr Barker" I said to the lady at the front desk.
"Mr Barker, oh OK. I'll call him right away" she smiled.
"Thanks" I said and waited as she dialed some number.
"Mr Barker , a Mr " she paused and I helped, saying "Stanley Mark Parker"
"Stanley Mark Parker is here to see you" she continued while smiling.
She dropped the phone and pointed at my right , showing me the elevators.
"The first room on the third floor" she smiled.
"Okay,thanks" I smirked and left.
I moved towards the lift and waited to enter, when it dropped, there was a crowd of people coming out of it  hurriedly moving towards the main entrance with bouquets and other things for decoration on their hands.
I ignored them and went on into the lift.
I came out on the third floor and spotted the first room supposedly Mr Barker's. I got in and " Hello!! Mr Parker " a bald round man shouted with a British accent. He smiled so widely I became scared.
"Good morning Mr Barker" I stretched out my hand to shake.
"Good morning" he said, slapping away my hand and grabbing me in a hug.
"You look so much like your Father"
He said as he pulled away, and took out a tissue paper "Oh, may his soul rest in peace" he said, sniffing and bowing his head. 
I found this funny, why do people have to be so dramatic.
"Amen" I laughed out.
Mr Barker wiped his face and smiled and dramatically sighed.
Yeah right
"So , this is your printed schedule for the week, others are on your computer system in your office, you have an assistant, you'll meet her in there, you're free to do anything apart from trespassing" he bent over to get some documents and handed them to me.
"Why are you looking so serious? You know you're not really working working" he air quoted the 'working' and hit my shoulder.
"I know, thanks" I smiled.
"Now get to work!" He ordered.

I left the room then remembered something and as I was about to ask for the places I'm not supposed to' trespass' " the second room on the seventh floor" Mr Barker screamed with his accent and shut his door.

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